editing Color Correction Properly?

Hey, I just made this trailer for an upcoming film, and I color corrected it.

However, my friend came up and asked me if there would be a color corrected one, I felt slammed.

Is there a proper way to correct color? It's a zombie film so I figured making it bluer would be good enough.

Here's the footage I'd appreciate some help.

Go by your eye but when onlining, you'll drive by your scopes. From the bits I watched of your clip, other than the blacks being crushes, it wasn't so much bad color correction, but no lighting. All the faces are too dark. IN these cases, you'll want to mak the dark spots you want to brighten so you can brighten just those parts... faces and such. Feather and keyframe accordingly. The more you fetaher, the less you'll see what ya did.
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