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Color Correction Feedback

I tend to find stretched blacks look more "Filmish" to me, but this didn't look too bad. The car interiors seem very dark on the skin where the key lit bits should be... perhaps you can correct them separately from the rest of the image by making a chroma matte from the skin tone. The skies are also quite green and keeping them blue would probably make the rest not as noticeably green... unless that's what you're going for.
green tint looks like a cheep ND or Polorizer to me (mine does that anyway)

That interior car shot is a tough shot to get, you manage to hold the sky AND get some detail on the subject, good job that.

There is just something murky about your footage, not sure exactly what it is. ... would you mind posting UN processed footage?
Here is the semi-original footage, I edited it a little but compared it to the original footage and it looks very similar.


I think I'll use this footage but probably slightly darker, it just seems to raw to me. I need it to look SCHWEET!

The moire kills it for me. I see it and instantly it makes things look no budget amateur. Other than that, it really isn't too bad. Not a huge fan of the tilt down, it feels like it should crane down; of course without a crane that's not possible. The semi-original footage looks much better than the original post.

Disclaimer: All of that was just my personal opinion; I could be completely wrong.
By moire I assume you mean the jaggedness of everything? I really think (hope) that it's just because I threw it into the lowest setting to get it to render the quickest so edge wise and stuff it looks pretty crap. But these are merely for color correction critique. As far as sharpness and detail it should look better once I render it in a higher format. But then again this IS coming from a no budget amateur, so I could be wrong as well. :yes:

And yes I would have a loved to have used a crane, I looked at it several times and wished I had one to use, but I just used my tripod because it's all I had.
By moire I assume you mean the jaggedness of everything?.

By moire I mean the artifacts that appear when you tilt down the brick wall in your video. It's a known issue with DSLRs and pops up often when there are parallel patterns, such as with bricks. It's a weakness in DSLRs, but can pop up in other cameras as well. When you're aware of the issue you can take precautions to shoot around areas that will cause it.
Well I think I got a solid color for the shots now, in my opinion. The moire I guess I'll just have to deal with for now. It's not a video for crazy publicity, it's just for an organization I'm in at school. I'll show you guys how it turns out when it's getting closer to finished!
In the future make sure you look for moire while you're shooting. Bricks, fishnet stockings, a pattern on a dress, if anything with that type of pattern is in the shot zoom in and look very closely. If it's there a slight focus adjustment will usually get rid of it.