
I have a interest in post-production video editing as a career. I'm a junior in a small town high school with no curriculum to prepare me for working in this industry. But, I have a background with computers, and have taught myself familiar with Adobe AfterEffects.
My point is, I know I'm behind the pack in comparison with my peers in bigger schools with vocational experience - but, throughout my high school career I have pushed myself with advanced classes plus running cross country, indoor and outdoor track every possible year. Plus, I have a pretty hopeful ACT score. I believe I can get myself into a pretty decent college, which leads me to the question I have for you guys with better experience than I: Which College? What Major?

By the way, I live in Northeast Ohio, looking to study elsewhere, and I want a 4 year degree - not a 2 year.

Thanks for reading/response!:yes:

Arguably the two best film schools in the country are UCLA and NYU. I am a senior and unfortunately don't have the grades for either, but plan on transferring to UCLA. It's located just off sunset boulevard in west Hollywood. But there are many other schools across the country that have fantastic filmmaking programs. Southern California has many colleges with great programs/majors as does New York.
I have a friend who went to Columbia in Chicago. He was very happy with the school and is doing something in filmmaking now that he has graduated. Definitely look at Columbia, its closer to where you are and will probably cost less to live there than it would to live in NY or CA. And you will be learning the same stuff for the most part. Operation of an Arriflex doesn't change with what part of the country you live in...

I have a interest in post-production video editing as a career. I'm a junior in a small town high school with no curriculum to prepare me for working in this industry. But, I have a background with computers, and have taught myself familiar with Adobe AfterEffects.
My point is, I know I'm behind the pack in comparison with my peers in bigger schools with vocational experience...

not necessarily, the better you are in some computer programs, the more experience years you have. I have found that either you know how to use the program or you don't. And if what you can do is good enough, people may not care how old you are.

By the way, I live in Northeast Ohio, looking to study elsewhere, and I want a 4 year degree - not a 2 year.

In my opinion, look for the program that will give you the best learning experience. Find out just what it is you will be learning and how extensive the program is before you dismiss a college simply because they are 2-year. There is a community college in MI where the film program rivals that of the major universities and in some ways is better -- some say much better. And I don't have to tell you the difference in cost for a community college and a university.

Make sure the program is what you want and need.

-- spinner :cool:
Degicide, where in NE Ohio do you live? I live in North Royalton, About 20 Minutes south of Cleveland, and I plan to go to film school as well.

Go Cavs, Browns, Indians :)
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I also live in Ohio. If you're looking to stay within the state, you should consider Ohio University. I recently visited there, and they have an excellent film program, probably the best in the state.

I thought NYU was too good to be true, then I saw the price tag :lol:. So I guess I'm not planning on attending there any longer (even though I'm certain I can get in) - but I have been looking around - James Madison University seems to have a nice program, though I don't know if they give out B.F.A. for completion. Thanks for the advice

(Btw I live near canton)
I dont know if you've ever considered university of Michigan but they have a pretty sweet program. you can focus on production... Definitely worth checking out man.
Hey, I live in Indy, so not too far from you. I'm a senior and i too want to go in to video production.
For me it was between Ball St. and Butler University.

Ball St. just built a multi million dollar Video Center, and I will admit i was impressed. They had hundreds of cameras and even one that was used in the fillming of the latest "Star Wars" *all of which you can rent out!*

Butler University, is a much smaller, and private school. But they still use Final Cut and have a good sum of Cameras. Butler also has interships with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, ABC, and ESPN, just to name a few.

Both look to be good schools, but I choose Butler, because it is smaller, meaning I will get more attetion from the Professors and at Butler I would be using a camera about 3 weeks into my Frosh year!! *ball st was not till soph year*

Just thought i'd tell you about those two.

Trevor Roach