archived-videos Codename

Hey all! That's right my spy/thriller movie is done! You can all view it here...

Please let me know what you think of it. I'm pleased with it and think it turned out very different then what I have done up until this point. :) Thanks again guys for your support! and don't forget to rate it! ;)

By the way, the film is relased today because of Hitchcock's b-day. Nice little tribute for him. :)
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HailtotheKing, I couldn't view it at work. I got about a minute into it, and the network connection failed. I'll watch the entire thing tonight on my much faster computer at home.

But I'd like to give a couple of thoughts on the 3 shots I saw. The first shot was extremely dark, I could not tell what the crap was going on. That could be the computer I'm on. Also the cell phone (I assume it was a cell phone, I couldn't see what kind of phone it was) voice was weird, and didn't sound too good. Again, could be the computer I'm on.

The only other thing I saw was a guy in a room. This shot impressed me, because it didn't look like video to me. I assume you shot on DV, and fiddled with it in post to add a film look to it, no? If so, this one shot looked extremely good.

Anyway, that's all I saw. I'll watch the rest tonight and let you know.

On a scale of 1 to 10 a 6

Ehhh .. the acting was stiff. So was the dialogue. Nice little joke on the audience though. I enjoyed the cinematography. Some of the sound was bad.

Oh yeah, the security guard ruled!!!

Poke, I noticed the sound wasn't to good either. It's the compression. The sound on the tape is very sharp and clear. That's why I don't like putting my stuff online alot of the times. The net is a great tool, but the video is not prefect yet. :P Glad you enjoyed it though, thanks for your support!
All around I enjoyed it, like someone said the dialogue was kind of stiff but hey you gotta start somewhere and you're starting here.
One bit of advice though don't wear whites or real light colors if your background is also very light.
And adjust your lighting to your background.
If you have gels or just cover them somehow to difuse your lights you'll see how much better your production looks.
But anyway good luck and pretty good job.
Also if you want enter "Code Name" in our Indie fest in Philly this October which is for Indie shorts contact me direct if you're interested. or director1666@
Also visit our site which is about to get a killer makeover by an award winning websigner who does Coca Cola and QVC's websites.
To look at what the newer site will look like view the splash page at and there is a typo in the spelling of Independent we know it's just a sample he sent for me to view.
