Climb aboard, We're riding on the indie line tonight.

Greetings fellow filmmakers, screenwriters, actors whoever you may be.

My name is Jeff Wilder. I am a 30 year old writer-director living in Sunrise Florida. Actuially the Writer-Director part isn't my full time job at the moment. But it will be eventually.

I was born in Detroit, have lived in Florida for most of my life and have been writing since I was 13 or there about. The film bug began biting me at 15 when I saw Menace II Society. But it really took hold in my late 20s.

I have written 3 screenplays and am at work on my fourth one now.

I gravitate towards character driven films with an edge. I saw lots of Disney movies as a kid and as a teen loved action films. But it's the indie films of the 90s-2000s and the Easy Rider-Raging Bull era films that really had an impact on me and made me realize that THIS is what I really wanted to do.

Influences (among filmmakers anyway):
Martin Scorsese, Oliver Stone, Francis Coppola, Paul Thomas Anderson, Spike Lee, Richard Linklater, Quentin Tarantino, The Hughes Brothers, The Coen Brothers, Robert Altman and Paul Schrader.