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watch Cliche - a film by christos mavridis - trailer

Hello guys, my first post here, this is the trailer i've made for my feature film i try to do entitled "Cliche". Since i got positive reviews and a possible offer for distribution if i can get it done(!), but no funding yet, i am looking to leave greece. One more reason to this is that i cannot find a job (any job!) and i am unemployed almost i year now.

here is the trailer

i have a question also (dont know if its proper here), i dont have any formal education (i havent attended any film school) and i have limited experience and small work to show, if i relocate to US lets say (probably California or New York), would i be able to find a job in the field? (i am willing to work in any spot (cant find the word!) but in the field of filmmaking?

i did the trailer by my self (shoot, edit, compositing, effects) and also i am in it (the guy with the axe!) with the help of 2 friends.

your comments are very valuable to me, thanks (and sorry for my bad english)
Hey R7...

Nice work on the trailer.

Alright, moving right along.

I was in kind of the same boat as you. Though, I was already living in the USA, I picked up and moved from Pittsburgh, PA to NYC. I didn't have a job waiting for me or anything. I only had about 2,000 in savings and that goes pretty quick when you have to pay for moving expenses, getting an apartment, etc... But, it's totally doable.

So here's my opinion.

I can't say for sure but if you move to California it seems like you need a car to get around. Things are really spread out there.

On the other hand, if you move to NYC, you don't need a car. Actually, it's ridiculous to own a car and live in NYC. You have a subway system that is amazing.

I've been living in NYC for about 8 months now. Took me 2 months of hardcore job searching to land a job as a sales associate at the NBC store as Holiday Help. From kicking a lot of butt and being awesome with the customers I got hired on as part time help once the holidays were over. 2 months later I moved upstairs to corporate as a merchandise assistant making salary. So in the matter of 5 months I moved up 3 times and now work as merchandise assistant for NBC. It just takes Hustle, Hustle and even more hustle.

If it was up to me, I'd say move to NYC. The film/art community here is insane. Don't worry about getting a job "in the industry".... Just get a job to cover living costs. on the side, write, direct, shoot or whatever and make films. That's how I'm doing it.

If you seriously moved to NYC I would have you shoot my upcoming feature! For sure!
yeah NYC, u wouldnt use a car even if u had one to get around. i visited once and on my way out it took me an hour to get to the holland tunnel. from just 5 blocks away.
California - I gather you mean LA? Very spread out and you need transportation there. Hollywood is quite dumpy to be honest.
I grew up in NY and if I had to choose a place to go, it would be NY.

However you have to remember that most everyone else who is into filming/acting will migrate to either place. NY and La (assuming thats where you want to go) is swamped with wannabes. I don't think its the 'it' place anymore. I don't believe you need to be in either place to make it these days. But if you want to break into big networks (as most everyone seems to want to do) then you might.
Thanks for your comments and advice, probably it will be NY, i have relatives there also (but no contact for the last 6-7 years!), as for work ill do anything so i can cover costs, what i meant is to have the chance to be close to the industry, i am 31 years old and worked hard the past years only to find out that leads to nothing, you see i grew up in a 30000 people town and never left until this winter, did a few trips around greece, been in italy for 4 days (first time airborne!) and got the chance to be in athens and i even saw a theater play for the first time (sounds stupid right? and by luck i worked there 4 months as a stage light console operator (i dont really know if this term is correct, something like electrician and operator)), anyway i am gonna save up money this summer (still i am trying to figure how!) so i can try to leave in the winter, that's the plan so far...

and Opus, gladly to be in any assistance to you man, seriously

(sorry for the bad english)

here are some screens from the production of the trailer

Just keep this in mind: New York (I assume you mean the city and or the suburds around it) is very very expensive. Its pricey to live and you might have a hard time finding a job in addition to the fact that you are competing against many others in the business of entertainment.

I would suggest you check out places like Yonkers or Eastchester (they aren't cheap by any means but cheaper). I would suggest you get involved in community theater. Take a job as a waitress because you can earn tips.
Make sure you have enough money behind you.

Anyway, is New York really the 'it' place ? Or L.A.? I think there are a lot of indie film makers out there who can do just as well anywhere else.

Good Luck to you.

I am speaking from personal experience, man. Never listen to people telling you the odds. I mean that in the nicest and meanest way possible to people who spout off odds. :D Seriously though R7, don't listen to them.

Like I said, I had very little money saved up. Not even 3 thousand dollars. I picked up, packed up a Uhaul moving truck with my girlfriend and we left for the city...

In 2 months I found a job as holiday (christmas) help. 2 months after that I got hired on as a part time employee and 2 months after that I scored a position up the corporate ladder.

This was all during the supposed economic crisis. It's all rubbish man. If you hustle hard enough, you can make it happen.

Also, if you move to NYC would you be able to shack up with relatives until you get on your feet!?

And I'm serious, we need to bump heads on some film talk!

R7, shoot me a private message on here and give me your e-mail address. We need to talk off the grid!