cineform neoscene and 60i deep dive

Hi all,
Im getting to know my new baby (canon hfs100) and various work flows and options.

So, in my effort to get smooth action, I record in 60i and use cineform neoscene to trascode from my camera. I do NOT let neoscene deinterlace to 30p.

So whats bother me is that what I'm assuming is interlaced, footage looks AWESOME in After Effects! Super smooth motion. I don't see any interlace artifacts. So what gives? Is AE just smart about this? Another interesting point is that the clips properties in AE show 29.7.. as the frame rate, not 60i.

(FYI: When I do let neoscene deinterlace to 30p I get this crazy ghosting on frames with fast motion. Seems likely that the sharp ghosting could be mitigated with a slower shutter speed, but I want sharp action, not motion blurred)

Having never worked in HD before, I dont know if there are interlace issues present, but I just cant see them! What Im afrid will happen is that I will find out, in the final stages of some project, that I mad a bad choice in recording in 60i!

Iv been reading about "bobers and weavers" and wonder if I even need to bother to try and weave 60p out of my 60i.

(Interestingly, I could see doing this for some awesome slomo, but not as a regular part of my work flow.)
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Hey, replying to my own post.. why not, I talk to myself all the time! :)

Ok, from my own research, 60i, with a fast shutter speed IS the right choice for high action fast movement. So Im ok there..
So whats bother me is that what I'm assuming is interlaced, footage looks AWESOME in After Effects! Super smooth motion. I don't see any interlace artifacts. So what gives? Is AE just smart about this? Another interesting point is that the clips properties in AE show 29.7.. as the frame rate, not 60i.

60i IS 29.97. There are 60 interlaced "fields" not frames, but if they were to be made progressive, they would run at 29.97 FRAMES per second.

Secondly, are you looking at the footage on an LCD for the computer? That doesn't SHOW interlaced fields, only a frame. If you look at the same frame paused, but run a line out to the regular CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) television, is it freezing between 2 fields? (probably)

When you captured and/or converted to the Cineform NEO software using HDLINK, did you tell it to de-interlace the footage? There is usually a setting that is automatically set for deinterlacing 60i to 30P in Cineform's software.
Thanks guys..

I imagine 30p is my target output (unless there is some reason not to)


Good point about my monitor NOT showing frames. That makes sense.. trouble is I don't OWN a CRT of any kind!

When I let HDLINK de-interlace video with fast motion, the result looks strange, strobed etc. when I look at one frame, I see two a images where ever there is motion.

Maybe Im asking the wrong question? Perhaps this is better:

What is a good way to get smooth fast action in my videos that will eventually be rendered as 30p? Or is that not a good question... sorry for the ambiguity..
Does it even mater

Here are two you tube videos (Im new to youtube so forgive the lower HD setting)

The De-interlaced one was de-interlaced by Cineform HDLINK.
The other wasn't. That's the only diff between the two..<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

Any diff? I guess I should asses via my DVD player...

P.S. My kids are awesome! First try at movie punches! (long lens stunt)
OK, there is no issue here its just me... lol

One of the problems is that my PC has a hard time playing back SUPER HIGH REZ HD quicktime video. When I rendered the same sequences out as AVI, no problem, 30fps looked nice and smooth.

In short, I need a new PC. (Im not getting one anytime soon.. well... maybe ;) )