Chronicles of Narnia
Can we all say: "Riding the wave of popularity"???

Still... looks interesting... in one of the shots of the armies charging there appears to be a rhinocerous, galloping alongside bad CGI cheetas and badly greenscreened horsemen... I hope the effects are temporary in this trailer... but the story is one I've been looking forward to sseing done in film!!
I saw the MASSIVE trailer too. It reminded me of watching a WETA-rendered trailer for LOTR. It does look good, though.

One thing I'd like to point out is that I'm happy to see that Hollywood isn't that interested in releasing short, boring movies anymore. Once LOTR was released, I see more and more large studios putting more money into large epics, knowing that one way to keep people in theaters is to actually entertain them with a good quality three-hour film.

I still think that the future of entertainment is hiring new blood, like us who hang out at IndieTalk, but that's just my two cents.
I think it should be noted that a) Weta is doing the Special Effects for this one, and b) C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkein were best friends. So it's understandable that the Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings share similarities.

I agree that this franchise would not see the silver screen if it were not for the success of LotR, but that doesn't make it a rip off. Narnia is a great story, and as a Lewis fan, I think it's fitting that his friend, Tolkein's legacy is helping Lewis's vision reach a new audience.

The only thing that bums me about this film is that I grew up wanting to be the one who brought Narnia to the Big Screen. :(

There was a made for (british) TV version of the Lion the Witch & the Wardrobe.. I know it's on DVD, where it's available from I'm not sure, but I snagged it on a newsgroup some time back.

In my opinion, rendered in british-speak ... it was a bit dodgy

Here's the IMDB Link
also, whilst looking for that link I noticed there was an animated version put out in 1979 released in both the UK and the US, and a short lived Black & White TV series (10 episodes) in 1967 (also in the UK).

Clearly the new rendition of it is the most visually stimulating thus far, as is to be expected I suppose given the affordability of CG effects versus conventional visual effects back when these were made. Although... I still prefer the look of the original Star Wars effects to CG any day. That's a completely different topic though.
mrde50 said:
One thing I'd like to point out is that I'm happy to see that Hollywood isn't that interested in releasing short, boring movies anymore. Once LOTR was released, I see more and more large studios putting more money into large epics, knowing that one way to keep people in theaters is to actually entertain them with a good quality three-hour film.

And here I thought I was one of the few people left that actually looked foward to epic films. Once I slap down my eight clams for a ticket, get my popcorn, find a seat, answer the same stupid trivia questions that have been playbing in the slide show for the past six months, suffer through thirty minutes of jeans and soda commercials, enjoy twenty minutes of movie trailers, endure one thirty second cheesy movie theater greeting, the last thing I want is a movie that is over in 93 minutes. I can enjoy the 93 minute film from the comfort of my own couch in nothing but my undies. But why is it that only the scifi/fantasy or the period piece starring the latest pretty boy are the only films to get the three hour treatment these days? I can't think of any three hour films made in the past five years that don't fall into either of those genres. hmmm... surely there must be on or two???

OK I am going to stop here before I go on a rant about the short attention........

Stopping Myself.

Narnia looks awsome, though I too hope that the CG is cleaned up. If WETA is working on this project I can't imagine that it wont be.
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The problem is that peoples attention spans have decreased thanks to increased viewing of TV shows.. half hour sitcoms and hour long reality sleaze... but with the recent trend of longer films bringing in a profit for the studios, perhaps they'll rethink their strategy.

Personally, when I think about going to the theater to slap down some dough and watch something on the big screen (dealing with all the afformentioned annoyances as well as the unmentioned ones of obnoxious teens, etc) if I'm at all torn between more than one film I'd like to see.. I generally opt for the longest one. "Most bang for the buck" as they say. ;)

But I agree.. unless it's something I've been dying to see, and can't wait for it to get to DVD, I generally pass on the ones under 100 minutes, it just seems like a waste to me... unless I catch a matinee, or maybe wait a month and catch it at the $1 theater.... :D
98mins+ films (I remember):
Green Mile (didn't know it was going to be so long... didn't do my homework THAT night)
Ben Hur (OK, ok... not within the last few years... but c'mon, had to mention it)
LOTR (stating the obvious for no reason)
Titanic (the guy getting hit by the propeller made it all worth it)

That's all I can think of... but the thing is- fantasy and sci fi are usually longer because they have to set up so much more... they have to set up a world, or universe!
With films based in today's reality, or an offshoot of it, they only have to set up the situation and cricumstance... fantasy and sci-fi have to bring you into a different world.

That's my take on it.
Spatula said:
Can we all say: "Riding the wave of popularity"???

Still... looks interesting... in one of the shots of the armies charging there appears to be a rhinocerous, galloping alongside bad CGI cheetas and badly greenscreened horsemen... I hope the effects are temporary in this trailer... but the story is one I've been looking forward to sseing done in film!!

Okay... i'll admit the CG looks a little shoddy... but how could you see cheetas or rhinocerous let alone their quality amist all those quick cuts and low res?
You must have the eye of an editor... :)