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watch Chicharones, GetSlow, Music Video

Here's the most recent video I've done that I can show, it get's released to the public this next week. The group is a band I usta manage called the Chicharones, mad up of Josh Martinez, Sleep of Oldominion, and DJ Zone. The video was my concept, my edit, filmed all around the city here in Portland. Let me know what you think, hope you enjoy!

Password: CHICHI
nice shots
good costumes etc.
great color
wonderful sound too..

Did you notice the specs on the lens in the first shot? Id clean those up in AE..

Ill PM you on the Portland thing... thats where Im at too!

And I did notice those dust specs, and learned to always keep a can of dust off at my shoots! :)

I just took my first into class to AE with one of my friends a couple weeks ago, and I'm not quite sure how I would go about pulling those out, I'm quite familiar with photoshop, could it be easly explained?
Hey Phil, I just checked back into this thread..
I had the EXACT same problem on the soon to be released final installment of my GEICO commercials.

How I dealt with it was simple in concept. Replace the speck with a bit of the image from just above it.

  • duplicate the footage to a new layer.
  • On the upper layer I create a tight mask around each of the specs (really zoomed in to do it) made the masks "subtract" from the image so the layer below shows through.
  • Feathered that mask a bit
  • on the bottom layer I blurred the image a bit and here's the magic,
  • slide the bottom layers footage down a few pixels, just enough to replace the spec with the clean image (adjust mask feather as needed).

so now where the spec once was, there is a slightly blurry, but much less noticeable, area of the screen
I thought I had posted re: this video before, guess not. A playful concept for a playful song (and band). Vibrant, easy on the eyes, nice work!
I loved the video and the song was great! But I was almost tearing my monitor to shreds because of the dust that was on it, untill I noticed it was the video.
Just something to think twice about, you don't want to drive the viewers mad. ;)
Thanks for the info Wheat! I'll give it a swing n hopefully be able to pull it out! It makes sense, I think I can pull it off.

Thanks every one for the love!