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Celtx question?

Morning ya`ll!

I'm trying to figure out how(or if I can at all) to put paranthesis AFTER dialoge...

For example in Ocean's eleven screenplay, when Clooney talks to Pitt, laying on the bar:

Think ten's enough?
(Pitt shrugs)
You think we need one more?
(Pitt shrugs)
Should we get one more?
(Pitt shrugs)
We'll get one more.

-even though Pitt never shrugs- genius!-
-pardon improper format-

My issue is operator error, I'm sure.
With Celtx it seems I can only put (Pitt shrugs) directly beneath Clooney. If I try to put it after dialoge, it turns my 'Think ten's enough' to paranthesis. I'm sure I'm missing something totally obvious.

Any info would be appreciated.

No, no. You guys are right. But Will's example is, for lack of a better word, incorrect to the scene. Renee has no physical action, just a sudden flash of worry, that her daughter isn't really going fishing with the hot guy. The scene is so fast paced: Julie darting out the door, Mom/Renee on her heels with mommy-questions., I didn't want to slow it down at all, (didn't read as well.)
Of course that's impossible to know when you only post two lines though. ;)