Cast and crew release forms

Could anyone here kindly provide:

i) guidance on "standard operating procedure" for use of both cast and crew release forms?;

ii) advice on whether these differ from contracts (though I surmise so);

iii) a copy of or a link to a 'current'/up-to-date/'industry standard' release form for both cast and crew?

Much appreciated.
Thanks much, gents--589 (including Sonnyboo's) forms should provide me more than enough bed-time reading, for sometime to come.

Any chance you (& others here) are able to provide input on:

i) guidance on "standard operating procedure" for use of both cast and crew release forms?;is there such thing as a 'standard form' and a 'standard procedure'?

ii) advice on whether these differ from contracts (though I surmise so)?;

Thanks again.