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story Cartoon Template for Short Story Craft

Uranium City inspired me with this post: http://www.indietalk.com/showthread.php?p=314623#post314623
Every old Loony Tunes cartoon uses the same basic three act structure in the Field book. I find very little more inspiring to short screenwriting than Loony Tunes. They cram a ton of story into 7 minutes. Every one.

I understand and experience myself that thread's OP's difficulty in conforming a typical feature length three act structure (or some semblance of) into a horribly brief period of <10min.
Folks, it ain't easy - if you're starting from pie-in-the-sky scratch nothing.
It's a lot easier if you use a template.

So... not at all as a rebuking challenge to UC's above declaration, but as an exploration of classic cartoons as a creative resource, I thought I'd deconstruct several short-story-length classic cartoons and see what elements of a Syd Field three act structure they did or didn't contain, (necessity being the mother of [creative] invention.)

I'll begin with providing my own modified template interpretation of the Syd Field three act structure which I call the "Two Constraint Three Act Structure."


(F#ckit. Fixed it)

This is for your simple story, most often seen in any comedy, but can also be applied to other genré films such as 'Top Gun', 'Black Swan' or 'Chronicles of Riddick.'

Next, I chose pretty much the first Warner Brothers cartoon I found on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQZOvdD-KK8

... then broke it down:
A Feather in His Hare

0:00 WB/Loony Tunes intro
0:15 Bugs Bunny title card
0:18 fade to episode title
0:23 fade to credits
0:31 fade to Directed by title card
0:34 fade to black

Act I 
- Here's the Situation -
0:35 fade to cartoon open - bespectacled NA Indian with bull's eye on belly 
stalking through forest (Antagonist)
0:40 Indian (I) stops, gives fourth wall blank stare, signs subtitles "You be
 quiet, Me hunt rabbit!", resumes stalking
0:48 Bugs Bunny (BB) (Protagonist) sings from inside his rabit hole as I 
approaches. First contact!

- Hope - 
1:07 I slides carrot baited mouse trap to rabit hole entrance, BB pulls it in, 
I rushes hole, aggressively gropes about deep inside, SNAP!, withdraws mousetrap 
on fingers yelling and dancing about

- Might Loose It... - 
1:18 BB places second mouse trap out of hole, SNAP! cut to I's face yelling
 "YEEOUCH!", I grasps foot and dances about in pain while BB appears out of hole
 pleased with his effort
1:25 BB leaps out of hole and dances up and down beside I mocking, delivers "Eh, 
Whatsup, Doc?", they continue to dance about

- FIRST CONSTRAINT MET: Antag & Protag have met and are now in conflict

ACT II, Part I
- First Lesson -
1:32 I declares goal, "Me catch me!", BB inspects traps
1:46 BB offers assistance on how to catch rabbit, directs to signs at decoy hole,
I thanks BB, shakes hand
1:56 I double takes BB, runs cross country to teepee, retrieves bow & arrow, goes 
to hole, reconsiders shooting arrow into hole... follows rabbit tracks away from 
hole, BB pops out of I's quiver to watch

- Second Lesson -
2:18 BB cries out behind I "Here I am, Tecumseh!", I whips around (unaware BB is 
in his quiver), BB calls and misdirects I again, I turns about and looses arrow 
towards no target

- Third Lesson -
2:22 BB pulls arrow from quiver, bends it into curve, calls out behind I who 
turns, grasps curved arrow, looses it, it circles in air and strikes I in rear, I 
jumps up striking head on tree limb above, falls to ground beside BB in quiver

- Fourth Lesson -
2:35 From the re-shouldered quiver BB calls another taunt to I, I pulls BB from 
quiver as arrow, BB kisses I in the face/mouth, I looses BB to wipe face and 
providing BB his escape, midair BB reposte, until...

- Oh, No! -
2:45 POW! BB impacts with explosion into large tree
2:48 cut to BB tied to post while I prepares stew caulron over fire
2:54 BB wakes up, struggles post out of ground, tippee-toes farther away, I double 
takes difference, moves pot closer and continues rabbit stew preparation
3:01 BB repeats, I repeats, and again, and again, again, again, BB stops, I 
continues moving further away, again and again into distance away from BB

- Whew! It's Okay, Now - 
3:22 BB declares to fourth wall "What a mo-roon!", fade to next scene

- Sixth Lesson - 
3:31 I incrementaly moves pot closer to new location, struck in face with snowball 
from rabbit hole, I asks BB about snowball, BB ducks down rabbit hole with second 
snowball, I pursues
4:02 brief fight sounds, BB leaps out of hole and walks away wearing I's pants, 
feather, and glasses
4:11 I pops head out of hole with red bow in hair, declares he "will fool [BB] 
plenty", fade to black

- Seventh Lesson -
4:20 open BB hopping through forest singing, stops at sight of teepee with barber 
pole, "Hare Cut" and "Scalp Treatment" signs, but bugs is onto the obvious ploy, 
enters anyway as ingenue, I greedily awaits at barber chair
4:44 I cries "Next!", BB states I was there before him so he's next, back and 
forth, I agrees and sits in barber chair, BB dashes behind chair, produces rock-
hammer, strikes I in head (off screen)
5:19 BB moves dazed I to teepee entrance, places bundled cigar's in his hand, 
continues hopping and singing, fade to black

- Eighth Lesson - 
5:30 fade open I following rabbit tracks, knife and stone-hammer in hand, BB 
alarmed, spins tail like propeller to escape, stops @ water pump, pumps water, 
makes mud, I races foreward, BB places mud mound on pottery wheel, makes large 
clay pot, bakes in kiln, paints pot, tosses in air crashes onto I's head upon 

- Closing Gag - 
6:03 BB laughs @ I, turns to fourth wall to scoff at I, turns to see I with bow 
and arrow pointed at him, I declares he's "last of the Mohicans", pulls bow-
string, BB directs his attention skyward, stork carries three baby I's, I wilts 
and faints, fourth stork carries baby BB - followed by dozens of storks with baby 
BBs, BB wilts and faints atop I

6:51 vignette close to black

ACT I is truncated with the deliberate omission of "It Just Got Worse", but otherwise it's good: Protagonist meets Antagonist and the challenge between them is on.
They did not part ways or either party overcome the other.

ACT II begins with expected challenges comparable to multiple "Learn Stuff" events.
There's even an appropriately timed "Oh, No!" moment right where ACT II, Part II typically begins at the halfway point @ 2:45 to an expected "It's All Okay, Now" resolve before 3:31.

But here is where the three act structure erodes and we're just shown a continuation series of protagonist stunts and a final gag ending keying off the antagonist's statement "I'm the last of the Mohicans."

There's no "Total Loss, The Story's Done" moment like when 'Top Gun's Maverick's best friend dies, he quits school, and his girl leaves - only to pull himself out of his own ashes to a stirring conclusion.


No second constraint that Bugs Bunny must achieve before the story can proceed to a stirring conclusion.
No ACT III whatsoever.

We're given a set up for a 'Saturday Night Live' "wheels just kinda fell off" conclusion, which is fine for cartoons for little kids.
Not so good for adults.

As you see 'A Feather in His Hare'... kinda sorta very loosely follows some vague semblance of the three act structure.
But certainly not strictly, which doesn't diminish UC's statement.

Instead, this thread's purpose is to deconstruct what are arguably historically successful short story film models to adopt similar approaches to our own short story models so that we, as growing filmmakers, may make better short stories and fewer frustrating "film fragments."

I'll close this opening post with a spot on quote:
I've seen some writers post here [film] snippets of action which they want to call a short. While the action and setup may be intriguing, it is ultimately unfulfilling on the screen. Viewers don't like to be frustrated. If the audience is left wondering (what was this about? who are these people? why should I care about them? etc.), it fails.
(Filmmaker's "Amen!") ;)
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Second video (And I made a channel, too! http://www.youtube.com/user/CartoonTemplate/videos) CartoonTemplate -



0:00 Credits & Title
0:19 Mrs. Parrot teaches her triplets
0:56 Grumpy Peter Parrot wants to be like his pop!
1:09 Mom tells story of Peter's bad sailor father
2:13 Peter cries...
2:22 that he still wants to be a sailor! He leaves.

2:34 Finds barrel, builds ship, meet Blabby Duckling
3:01 Blabby becomes crew + Bucaneer Song
4:01 Wind in the union suit sail, licorice gag

4:31 Climb main mast, spot storm...
4:47 Run about panicking, wheel, paint, anchor
Intercut with Blabby's good disposition
5:39 Ship's sinking, abandon ship! Peter cries out!

5:54 Mom comes running
6:10 Peter's still panicking, Blabby rescues him
6:26 Mom gets her baby boy. "Now you don't... ?"
6:34 Peter cries... still does! Mom flips
6:50 Closing credits, end @ 6:59
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Third one: 1937 Porky's Garden


	Here's the Situation			0:00 Podunk County Fair prizes announced
	It Just Got Worse			0:33 Porky Pig claims he'll win 1st prize!
	Hope					- skipped -
	Might Lose It...			0:38 Neighbor disputes, vaults over PP for head start
	FIRST CONSTRAINT, Got it!		0:45 PP races behind Neighbor to compete
ACT II, Part I	
	First Lesson				0:49 PP plants, N hens, allows them to eat PPs garden
	Second Lesson				2:06 Tomato tube, shooting peas 
	Third Lesson				2:23 Mellon+spinach, apple+worm
	Last Lesson Lead's to...		3:16 PP demands N remove hens 
	Oh, No!					3:36 N can't talk them out. Bad,... but not "toooo" bad
	It's All Okay, Now			4:12 PP discovers last pumpkin, football rescues it
	Total Loss. Story's Done, Unless...	4:50 PP almost drops the pumpkin! (last & only hope)
	SECOND CONSTRAINT, Solution!		4:56 Catches it! Gets it to fair. 		
	Build to Outcome			5:10 Reducing pills demonstrated
	Build to Outcome			6:06 Spilled pills eaten by N's hens	
	Outcome Achieved!			6:20 Porky loses prize money, hens shrink, gets money back 
						6:33 End
Fourth video: 1937 Porky's Railroad


ACT I						0:00 Opening Credits & Title card
	Here's the Situation			0:28 Intro train 515, inferior train 13½ & Porky Pig
	It Just Got Worse			1:17 Train 13½ stopped while ascending hill
	Hope					1:40 Engineer PP sprinkles pepper on the engine
	Might Lose It...			1:49 Engine sneezes "Ah-CHOO! Ah-CHOO!" over the hill
	FIRST CONSTRAINT, Got it!		2:17 515 & 13½ on same track in competition!
ACT II, Part I	
	First Lesson				2:34 Cow on train track, leaves
	Second Lesson				3:30 Replaced by bull, PP pulls tail, Rush train away
	Third Lesson				3:55 Intro "Silver Fish", PP & 13½ to quit
	Last Lesson Lead's to...		4:44 PP's goodbys, SF engineer insults, bet & race
	Oh, No!					5:21 SF races past obstacles, PP/13½ @ open drawbridge
	It's All Okay, Now			5:45 PP/13½ race over bridge & SS Leon, scull gag		
	Total Loss. Story's Done, Unless...	6:07 Angry ramming bull destroys 13½'s cars
	SECOND CONSTRAINT, Solution!		6:29 Bull rams PP/13½ over SF!	
	Build to Outcome			6:32 PP/13½ flies over SF
	Build to Outcome			6:35 PP/13½ lands onto track at FINISH line, cheers!
	Outcome Achieved!			6:43 PP now SF's engineer, 13½ to "last roundhouse"
						7:01 Closing Credits, End @ 7:10
Columns L & M:
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Fifth video: 1937 Daffy Duck and the Dinosaur

NOTE the addition of the timeline bar at the bottom!
I didn't think of it until the last second, and its placement has caused some layout adjustments to be made in subsequent episodes.
I hope it provides some visual context as far has how the timing of story element introduction goes.

ACT I						0:00  Opening Credits & Title card
	Here's the Situation			0:28  Setting card, pan to Caveman Casper waking
	It Just Got Worse			1:13  CC's hungry	
	Hope					1:29  Calls "Fido", dinosaur squeezes out
	Might Lose It...			1:44  Fido drops huge bone on CC
	FIRST CONSTRAINT, Got it!		1:52  Pushes off bone, go hunting for breakfast	
ACT II, Part I	
	First Lesson				2:02  Slingshot rock @ Daffy Duck, reverse rock gags
	Second Lesson				3:40  Duck acts crazy, NO swimming, Fido "helps"
	Third Lesson				4:53  Painted rock duck, clubbed, vibration gags
	Last Lesson Lead's to...		5:40  Thanks! Duck breakfast "200 yards this way"
	Oh, No!					6:40  Giant huffing puffing angry duck!
	It's All Okay, Now			6:50  ... being inflated by DD		
	Total Loss. Story's Done, Unless...	6:56  DD gives CC a knife, CC stabs duck, duck explodes!
	SECOND CONSTRAINT, Solution!		7:15  Fido, CC, and DD now dead
	Build to Outcome			7:22  Fido now an angel on cloud, plays harp
	Build to Outcome			7:25  CC, also an angel on cloud, scowls at...	
	Outcome Achieved!			7:29  DD, also an angel, "Maybe that wasn't such a...
						7:38  Closing Credits. End @ 7:36
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That was fantastic Ray, the timeline at the bottom is a very welcome addition.

I've now watched 3 of them, which are the first 3 Looney Tunes shorts I've ever seen. It's a great example to pick up on and your annotations are spot on. I hope that more people start watching this series cos it's a phenomenal and very generous resource :)
Wow! Thank you very much, Nick!
That's very nice of you to say.

Glad the time line is useful. :yes:
FWIW, it's a screenshot of the text elements in my NLE, edited in MSPaint.

I'm hoping to eventually breakdown all the public domain "story" cartoons, skipping the "compilation" cartoons.
Afterwards I'll venture into contemporary cartoons until contacted by someone's attorney to cease and desist. :lol:
Sixth video: 1939 Prest-O Change-O, Proto-Bugs Bunny

ACT I						0:01	Opening Credits & Title card
	Here's the Situation			0:21	Dog catcher truck drives down road @ night
	It Just Got Worse			0:25	Two dogs running down road evade capture
	Hope					0:28	Dogs run to house beside road	
	Might Lose It...			0:32	Truck drives... around corner and away
	FIRST CONSTRAINT, Got it!		0:38	Dogs trapped inside house
ACT II, Part I	
	First Lesson				0:47	Cukoo clock omen, dogs separated by trick door
	Second Lesson				1:13	Bunny intro, disappearing bunny gags intercut...
	Third Lesson				1:50	... with various Hindu Rope/Magic Wand gags
	Last Lesson Lead's to...		4:50	Door/drawer + ballon gags lead to...
	Oh, No!					5:54	Bugs entanglement in rope
	It's All Okay, Now			5:59	Big dog puts Bugs in box
	Total Loss. Story's Done, Unless...	6:01	Then he triple boxes Bugs! Bugs locked in boxes...
	SECOND CONSTRAINT, Solution!		6:17	Pup dog hic-ups balloon, bugs escapes!	
	Build to Outcome			6:26	Bugs pop-guns big dog in nose
	Build to Outcome			6:29	Bugs tries "between hands" disappearance	
	Outcome Achieved!			6:32	Angered dog pulls hands apart, busts Bugs into lamp
						6:54	Closing Credits, End @ 7:03
Seventh Video: 1939 Robin Hood Does Good


ACT I						0:00	Opening Credits & Title card
	Here's the Situation			0:20	Forest squirrels read 'Robin Hood'
	It Just Got Worse			1:00	Small S (SS) denied role of the hero, Oldest takes
	Hope					1:19	Roles determined by oldest squirrel
	Might Lose It...			1:23	Will SS even get a role to play... ?
	FIRST CONSTRAINT, Got it!		1:32	SS to be the 'villain' for torment
ACT II, Part I	
	First Lesson				1:46	SS' role explained, "He WANTS to be the villain!"
	Second Lesson				2:08	Outfitted, SS - "I WANT to be the good guy."
	Third Lesson				2:29	SS tormented by older squirrels	
	Last Lesson Lead's to...		2:59	Fox overhears, takes book, reads story	
	Oh, No!					3:21	Maid Marion "Help!" ploy, SS sent to recover book
	It's All Okay, Now			4:06	Resourceful SS recovers book + deceives Fox
	Total Loss. Story's Done, Unless...	4:17	Older squirrels deceived then captured by Fox
	SECOND CONSTRAINT, Solution!		5:43	SS to rescue older squirrels
	Build to Outcome			6:12	SS finds fox horn, deceives Fox w/ hunt call
	Build to Outcome			6:36	Red Fox panics, turns cowardly yellow, runs away
	Outcome Achieved!			7:23	SS becomes the hero after all!
						7:36	Closing Credits, End @ 7:43
Eighth Video: 1940 Ali-Baba Bound


ACT I						0:00	Opening Credits & Title card
	Here's the Situation			0:35	Sahara setting, Legionaire Porky sings
	It Just Got Worse			1:13	Sneaky spy charcter casually awaits P
	Hope					1:24	P walks in front of spy
	Might Lose It...			1:24	P keeps walking past spy until "Psst!"
	FIRST CONSTRAINT, Got it!		1:35	Gets secret message of Ali-Baba fort attack
ACT II, Part I	
	First Lesson				2:12	Porky gets Kiddie Kar camel, trebble toes to music
	Second Lesson				2:56	Fort arrival, all gone, Ali-Baba beer glasses gag
	Third Lesson				3:33	A-B calls 40 Sleeves as P departs, P races to fort
	Last Lesson Lead's to...		4:01	P locks door, head ram, gunfire exchange
	Oh, No!					4:23	Suicide Bomber, wall scaler, fat foot, camel threatened
	It's All Okay, Now			5:14	Camel bugle calls help, Mom gasses up and races
	Total Loss. Story's Done, Unless...	6:14	Ali-Baba has P & C under knife
	SECOND CONSTRAINT, Solution!		6:19	Racing camel Mom bops A-B out of fort
	Build to Outcome			6:27	Suicide Bomber's big chance, he races to fort
	Build to Outcome			6:40	P opens front door, C's open back door
	Outcome Achieved!			6:53	A-B & 40S await, SB detonates them into tents
						7:11	End

Column Y: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsyjRZagXJnadHo3UlVyeWRia0dxVng2SE56T0J6TkE#gid=0
Thank you, sir!

I just recorded my ninth video, I "have to" squeeze out a 'Places of Nature' video tomorrow, then I'll process the ninth video and post posssssssibly also tomorrow, fer sure Thursday (God willing), and start crackin' on the next two to make the "season's first half".

Then the real fun begins when I start applying the spreadsheet breakdowns to different genrés and creating variant stories based upon these templates. :yes:

'Get Rich Quick Porky's breakdown:
MacGuffin must have three possible values.
Introduced at middle value
Discovered/thought to be at lowest value
Re-discovered to be at highest value!​
... gets turned on it's ear and applied to a horror story!

MacGuffin must have three possible values.
Introduced at middle value
Discovered/thought to be at highest value
Re-discovered to be at lowest value!​
A Protagonist or two get condemned to hell on Earth before they eventually die!

... or applied to a heist story!
MacGuffin must have three possible values.
Introduced at middle value
Discovered/thought to be at highest value
Re-discovered to be at lowest value!​
The jewels the (bad) Protagonist lost his partner (as in dead!) over turn out to be fugazi. WHAA... !

Keep watchin'. ;)
This could get fun! :D
... Hmm...

... Hmm...

... Hmm...

Eight current episodes.

... Hmm...

Eight times three is twenty four.

Twenty four makes for a full season.

... Hmm...

... Hmm...

Eight breakdowns.
Eight applications to different genrés.
Eight actual shorts using one of each of those applications?

... Hmm...

I haven't made any actual narrative shorts in quite a while.
A very long while.

... Hmm...


This thread has been viewed almost a thousand times since I last posted nearly four months ago!

Episode #10: Application of 'Get Rich Quick Porky' to Three Double Genrés
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vJwqdXslEA ← Headzup! Small text. Best viewed @ YT @ @ least 720p resolution.

Associated doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsyjRZagXJnadHo3UlVyeWRia0dxVng2SE56T0J6TkE#gid=0

EDIT: LOL! Youtube viewer has a playback speed option, now. So, I just watched this video at 1.5X speed. Garbled voice aside, I think I can compress the next video speed to about something closer to 1.3X speed + tinker with the audio qualities to avoid that compressed wavelength "squeaky voice" and it'll play just fine in less time.
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Hey rayw.

Great thread!

Question for you. Are there any short films (animation or not) that don't follow this structure in the slightest that you still think works as a short?
Are there any short films (animation or not) that don't follow this structure in the slightest that you still think works as a short?
Although I've watched plenty of short films at various web sites I honestly have not spent the mental energy to deconstruct and analyze them.

Mostly I've just been A) trying to enjoy and appreciate what the director/producer has provided, and B) noted artistic techniques to scam for replication.

Their story structure didn't really register as any active mental process for me to recognize, maybe something only passively, "in one eyeball and out the other" so to speak.

I'm sure there's plenty of short story films out there that have a wide assortment of structures to them.
The generation of this project was from my own observation that too many of the shorts we see here just have "no real story" to them, they just meander about.
Those are the two chief complaints fellow ITers post about the shorts posted here.

I wanted to devote a thread and a project that identified that a short with a real story structure could be written and produced (theoretical), that it's not impossible (theoretical), and this is how you do it (practical) or at least this is how it could be done (practical).

Doesn't do any good to cheerlead people towards something without showing them how it actually can be done in a practical manner.

Not only CAN a short story, 1min long, 5min long, or set to a music video, be done - but THIS is how you do it. :yes: