Cant say how Happy I AM

John Jordan said:
Just cant no not a word....... hint Movie and no not a short :yes: you know it brothers

Congratulations John!

Can't wait to hear the details, but understand 100%. You'll fill us in when you can!

Well is the update on all this BS.

Guy Phones me from Down South tells me his name and what not calls me every day for weeks.
No worries I dont mined, I get him a good Producer ( Shane Dean ) I start work on his production Companys website after we set a price and did the contracts for all that was going on.
I fined him an investor, so all is going good right NOT he gets some looser down in the US to set him up with a meeting more or less to sell his soul to get his film made.

calls me two weeks back to say that he was sending me some cash for the web site, by the way its for sale for 1000.00US
says that he will call me on Friday after noon to work out the rest of the cash for the site..

phone rings NOT

then I get a call from some guy giving me the news that the guy more or less said up yours John I am turfin you out the window..

all that work for nuthin

me sad