Canon T2i And Skating

I would like to do a montage of my friends skating and and bmx-ing. So i was wondering if you guys have any advice on filming? What preference of lens? Settings? Any help will be great!
Just kinda going off the cuff here, I've never shot what you're trying to get, but...

I would think you'd want to keep a fairly wide depth of field, so use a wide lens, and keep that f-stop hopefully somewhere around f8. If lighting is good enough, you probably don't want to drop your shutter speed below 100, or at least 80?
I can't believe nobody else responded to this one. C'mon guys, this is a valid question.

Let's see if the old Cracker Funk bump will elicit at least a response or two from some of the more experienced camera people.
If there's one thing skate videos have taught me, it's that skateboarding should always be shot with a fish eye lens :p


I crack myself up.

But seriously, I don't have any actual advice on filming since I've never done it :(