Canon 514 XL-S - wide angle lens zoom blur?

Hi guys. I have super canon 514 xl-s. When I attach the wide angle C8 lens it blurs when fully zoomed in - is this normal/why is this? When I do not have the lens attached there is no blur when fully zoomed in...

Any info would be cool! :D
Yes, it's normal. That add-on lens is not meant to be used
with the zoom. A wide angle lens is meant to get a wider
field of vision - the zoom is meant to get a narrower field
of vision. If you want to zoom in on something take off
the wide angel lens.
Yes, it's normal. That add-on lens is not meant to be used
with the zoom. A wide angle lens is meant to get a wider
field of vision - the zoom is meant to get a narrower field
of vision. If you want to zoom in on something take off
the wide angel lens.

Yeah, actually that makes sense! I was also wondering how I know when the batteries in the camera work? It has the batteries in it but the battery check line thing remains on the 'S' whatever that means?

Thanks again :)
That "S" is the footage counter - it means start. That will
move as you expose the film. When you press the battery
check button a red light in the viewfinder should light up.
But the best way to know when the batteries in the camera
work is when you pull the trigger the motor will run.