film-school Canadian Film Schools

I am from Canada and want to stay in Canada for now, and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for schools in Canada.
I've been looking at Canadian film schools for a while now. I found that the top two are the Vancouver Film School and the film program at Ryerson. They are very different, so it really depends on what you're looking for. Happy hunting!
Yeah, mr.6-degrees got it. I've heard Ryerson is amazing, and talking the the students, it has a great immersive program.

It needs high marks and big wallets though.
I am looking for something easy to get into and kind of cheap tho, preferably in Montreal, because i have been looking in to moving there. I have been looking at Trebas. Have you guys heard anything about it?
I'm in Second Year Film @ Ryerson...I didn't have to do first year, but im extremely glad. I've been cleared on equipment, soundstage and greenscreen since last year (i was in media) and these poor suckers aren't yet.

But this year looks to be extremely promising and I'm enjoying it so far.

Denis: my wallets not very big. :(
llirik said:
Denis: my wallets not very big. :(

Compared to mine it is! Which is why if you wake up one night and all your stuff is gone, look asonder to Me-hico, for that is where I will be selling your stuff to fund my next film!

Trebas is for the technical side of film, and is very text book. So I've heard. Ryerson has a better program if you actually want to MAKE films in school. They do docementaries and narratives almost every year... the last project usually of considerable size. I've auditioned for some very interesting projects at Ryerson.. never got any gigs though- the friend was hooking me up with butch character type auditions, not lanky goof.
I went to the Vancouver Film School. I loved it and would recommend it to anyone. However, film schools seem to change and grow quite a bit over relatively short peiods of time. I attended VFS in 1999. As far as I know it still rocks!