Can someone good with films help me please

Hmmm...Well something has to happen between the good guy and the bad guy in the first place to actually make the good guy a good guy and the bad guy a bad guy. This is just off the top of my head...maybe the good guy has a girl friend, but the bad guy wants the girl he wants so he beats the crap out of the good guy. Watching this happen, the girlfriend doesn't like the bad guy for beating the good guy up but doesn't like the good guy anymore because he didn't fight back. Thus, making the characters fit their roles as good and bad. So, maybe a short time in the future, the two guys have been minding their own business since the incident. But, the good guy's new girlfriend that he's had for sometime now calls him and breaks up with him. The good guy can only assume it was the bad guy who encouraged her to break up with him. So, he goes into a blood thirsty rage and wants revenge for the bad guy doing this (he thinks) and for what he did to him earlier in life. So he goes on this blood-raging attack on the bad guy. But now this makes the good guy the bad guy and the bad guy the good guy for defending himself. I don't know if that made since but it's just an idea I had.
Yeah I have a basic story which develops the Characters and gives them the good and bad traits, I'm liking your ideas too :)

What I'm trying to find are films which have already been released which are similar to my idea, do you know any ?
Not that I can think of off the top of my head...almost seems like a kind of Star Wars plot if you ask me...possibly the Dark Knight with Harvey Dent being this hero and then making a drop to evil...but that's all i can think over right now
The viewers decides whose good, whose bad.
Since you, as the writer get to decide what the viewers know, you can change the good guy to the bad guy by simply revealing some new information..

For example, just riffing..

We open with a rough looking tough guy beating a good looking hero type with a baseball bat. Now, the viewer decides right off that the bad guy is swinging the bat. But as the story unfolds we drop a bomb into the audiences lap that turns the story completely upside down and now we see the guy with the bat completely justified and were glad hes beating up the scum bag! In fact we hope he KILLS HIM ... but in TRUE hero fashion the real good guy decides to let the scum bag live, thereby reasuring the viewer that all is well in the world..

A funny thing to do might be to try for this reversal a few times.. though I think it would lose impact, but as a kinda crazy story idea.. might be neat..
"Training Day", at least half of the equation.

At the start of the movie, Denzel's character is definitely a good guy. We like him. By the end of the movie, we've learned how dispicable he really is. The great part about it is that over the course of the movie, we see behind his actions - his motivations, and how he actually has twisted himself into thinking he's one of the good guys.

I think this example is right along line with what wheat recommended. It's not that the character changes sides, but that the audience learns more about them. This one was always good. That one was always bad. We (the audience) just didn't know enough about them in the beginning, and as we learn more, our opinions change. I think that's probably a pretty good model to follow.
There are also lots of examples of very bad people doing very good things. And the converse as well.

After the coffee kicks in, maybe I can remember a few.
What you are describing is called "Transferance" in fiction writing where two characters influence each other and their traits rub off on one another.

Take a look at "Hanibal" where Dr. Lecter corrupts FBI Agent Claurisie Starlin.