Can anyone help me find this movie title?

no one on the ifc forum will answer me...
I saw it on IFC about 6 months ago and my directv description went something like this,
"Teenagers experience California life in a surreal setting"
not too descriptive but i also remember:
reptile-like monsters with ray guns
crazy christian preachers trying to convert kids on tv
a lot of parties
some same gender relationships
strange colored lighting throughout
and a quote i remember, "Im full of hate, i want to kill!"
ANYONE have any clue?
i cant believe how many movies can have the same details as what i described and still not be it!

well some more of the plot came to mind!

all the teens go to a party, take ecstasy, play hide and seek outside and one gets killed by the reptile alien thing.

and at the end the main character is laying in his bed and his skin all gets ripped off.

i better not have just dreamed that i saw this movie.
Dang, that sounds (and looks) like a terrible movie. :P

It's not available via NetFlix, unfortunately. Other films by same Araki guy are. Any suggestions for those? I wann see.
Dang, that sounds (and looks) like a terrible movie. :P

It's not available via NetFlix, unfortunately. Other films by same Araki guy are. Any suggestions for those? I wann see.

Go for "The Doom Generation" - should be generally available. Has Rose McGowan in an earlier role. Make sure to go for the un-rated director's cut.
Go for "The Doom Generation" - should be generally available. Has Rose McGowan in an earlier role. Make sure to go for the un-rated director's cut.

I remember "Doom Generation"....I must have slept through the reptiles in "Nowhere" :D

However, you might want to see Mysterious Skin. I could only sit through it once, but it was a pretty effective film, hence my sitting through it once...

--- spinner :cool: