Camera is Lacking a External Mic Jack

Hello there,

I own a Samsung HMX-H200 camcorder as a "starter camera". I noticed that the camera does not have a great built-in microphone (not a surprise) and an external mic jack. As a Music Recording major, it is really bothersome hearing low quality audio. I was wondering, is there a way I can better quality audio without having to spend money on another camera? I do own microphones and some recording equipment (Pro Tools 8 LE, M-Box 2).

Many thanks.
You can record the production audio to an audio recorder and sync the
audio with the video in editing.

This is relatively new to the video world but it is the standard in film
Just keep in mind that most of your mics are probably not suited to production sound work, although all could be useful in audio post.

I started out as a touring musician and studio droid, became a music recording engineer and then migrated to sound-for-picture. Film sound requires a very different mind-set. When recording dialog on-set (production sound) you want clean and uncolored sound. In audio post you are completely subservient to the story and the visuals - and the whims of the director and producers.

I would suggest spending some time at and at You already (hopefully) speak the language, so consider it a crash course. There are also a number of books that, for me, are basic:

Sound Design - David Sonnenschein (Primarily an artistic viewpoint rather than a "How To")

Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound - David Lewis Yewdall (More of a technical viewpoint)

Dialog Editing - John Purcell

The Foley Grail - Vanessa Ament

The Sound Effects Bible - Ric Viers

Good luck!
Get an audio recorder an sync, as directorik said. Not only it will work now, but if you get a DSLR with mic input, it will still be useful (adio recording on DSLR tends to suck).
Using a recorder like the H1 can create just as many problems as it seems to solve. Yes, it may sound a bit better, but the proper mic on a boom pole wielded by a boom-op is what you really want to be doing.