Camera & Editing Advice

Hello out there. I am totally new to making any sort of short video. I would like to start making shorts with family and friends as a hobby. I have my eye set on a Sony HDR HC9 camera and the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 editing software. These items seem like high end consumer, low end pro.

Are they good choices for making shorts that would be film festival quality?
Are there cameras and editing software out there of the same quality but cheaper?

editing software out there of the same quality but cheaper?

Pretty much all the editing software companies have a stripped-down version of the software for $99.

Premiere Elements is Adobe's basic one. There's a Premiere/Photoshop Elements bundle for $150.

I dunno what the basic Vegas or Final Cut are called.

good choices for making shorts that would be film festival quality?

If you were to make a list of things required to make an awesome movie, your editing software will be pretty close to the bottom.

Sure, it's nice to have a fancy package with 1,000 different ways to make a transition... but you'll almost never use them. Most films use straight cuts, or a cross-dissolve. The free Windows Movie Maker that comes with your computer can do that.

Yes, there is a difference between good & bad editing - but I'd worry more about every other detail of the production first, before deciding what to edit on.

No idea about cameras. :cool:

So what you gonna film?

I have to agree with Zensteve on editing software. You do not need the top of the line to edit. The Vegas basic software is called Vegas Movie Studio, download the trail and give it a spin.
Any camera can be made to work if you spend the time to get to know it and it's strengths and short comings. The more manul setting on the camera the better.

Zensteve, thanks for the info. There are two areas I want to film in. One is documentary and I want to be taken seriously, the other is comedy shorts with the family for fun. I'm going to be making a documentary about how the laws and resources in Wisconsin regarding Autism have progressed. I am the parent of an autistic child. I will be using our local public access channel's camera and editing equipment for that project.
Hello Terry, thanks for the info. I just downloaded the Vegas 9 movie maker trial. It's perfect for the things I'm trying to do. You and Zensteve saved me $750. Thanks alot guys. Happy New Year!!!