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watch Camera Department

Interesting. This video seems to imply that an AC and a Focus Puller are seperate people.

The Focus Puller and Clapper Loader are ACs.
On larger sets, they can be separate jobs, but no the video is not implying they are separate. I see what you mean, it's just that on microbudget shoots the singular AC can be an "all in one" and the DP can pull their own focus.
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I think this series is brilliant for teaching beginners basic things with visuals. It will help them learn so much faster.

When I was 13 and started learning film by myself, it was a lot of text, black and white photos and discerning things for myself by watching any BTS.
Thanks. These are meant for total newbs.

Doing some research, there was a big deal between the UK and the U.S. in how they used names. In the UK they say "Rushes" instead of "Dailies"", and Gaffer (U.S.) instead of Chief Lighting Technician. In the same thing here, U.S. calls it First A.C. for Focus Puller and Second A.C. for the Clapper/Loader, although on larger shoots you can have a 2nd AC and an additional clapper/loader, like they did on the TV shows LOST and 24.
You can certainly have additional camera assistants on a large film, including a Loader, 1st and 2nd ACs for other cameras etc. I guess it just seems to be implying that you could have a Camera Assistant on your shoot or a Focus Puller and Clapper Loader, which is not really the case, as they both are Camera Assistants themselves, and in general perform the tasks described as the job of the 'camera assistant' in addition to pulling focus and clapping and/or loading.

You'll never find a set where a Focus Puller only pulls focus or the Clapper/Loader only claps and loads. They both have enormous amounts of pressure and responsibility, moreso than most others on set.

I do appreciate the making of a video, however, many of my non-film friends don't even realise it's someone job to constantly pull the focus of the camera!
You'll never find a set where a Focus Puller only pulls focus or the Clapper/Loader only claps and loads. They both have enormous amounts of pressure and responsibility, moreso than most others on set.

Not to nitpick, but yes you can find sets where someone's job is JUST to do the loads of 35mm film back and forth without any other responsibilities. It's on bigger TV shows and multimillion dollar features, but it does happen.

And you are 100% right about the pressure. On a real film set, the loader will get fired for messing up their job.
Yes, I have been a Loader (just a loader) before ;) It's certainly less pressure than Clapper/Loading!

I meant more as a 1st/2nd AC - all sets will have a 1st and 2nd AC - and you'll never find a set where the only thing a 1st AC does is pull focus and you'll never find a set where the only thing a 2nd AC does is clap and/or load.
Director of Photography

Here's the last component to the Camera Department... the DP!
