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CALL FOR ENTRIES: Total $16,000 Cash Prizes/ CON-CAN Movie Festival, Tokyo, Japan

The 3rd CON-CAN Movie Festival (Tokyo, Japan) currently accepts entries. Moving-image creators around the world are encouraged to submit their films/videos up to 20 minutes in length.

You can also watch the 30 brilliant movies selected out of 341 entries for the 2nd CON-CAN Movie Festival free at:

The 3rd CON-CAN Movie Festival Calls for Entries
November 8, 2005 - February 28, 2006

The CON-CAN Movie Festival, organized by the CON-CAN Media Plaza, Tokyo, Japan, is an audience-interactive online international short film festival which aims 1.) to discover hidden creative talent from all over the world and 2.) to enable image creators and a global audience to share the underlying messages and sheer creativity expressed in profound short film productions.

*Entry Eligibility*
Films/Videos up to 20 min. in length.
Open to any theme, any genre, any style, and any language used in the piece.

*Entry Fee*

[CON-CAN Grand Prix (for 1 movie)]
Cash prize of US$10,000 and a Plaque

[Tamashii Awards (for 2 movies)]
Cash prize of US$3,000 and a Plaque

[Global Audience Award (for 1 movie)]
A Plaque

[Deadline of Submission]
February 28 (Tue), 2006
*Entries MUST ARRIVE at the CON-CAN Media Plaza by this date
[Announcement of 30 Finalists]
April 25 (Tue), 2006
[Audience Review via Free Internet Streaming]
April 25 (Tue), 2006 - July 31 (Mon), 2006
[Announcement of 10 Grand-Prix Nominees]
August 21 (Mon), 2006
[Announcement of Global Audience Award]
August 21 (Mon), 2006
[Final Judgment]
September 1 (Fri), 2006
[Announcement of CON-CAN Grand Prix and Tamashii Awards]
September 4 (Mon), 2006

*Jury Members of the 2nd CON-CAN Movie Festival (as reference)*
Jean-Michel Frodon (France)
Chief Editor of the "Cahiers du Cinema", Journalist

Hou Hsia-hsien (Taiwan)
Globally acclaimed film director. "City of Sadness", "Cafe Lumiere"

Jukka-Pekka Laakso (Finland)
Director of the Tampere Film Festival, Finland

Dennis Lim (USA)
Senior Editor of the NY "Village Voice", Film critic

Peter Millynn (Australia)
Production Executive of the Australian Film TV & Radio School

Babak Payami (Iran/Canada)
Won the Best Director at the Venetzia IFF 2001, "Secret Ballot"

Teruyo Nogami (Japan)
Dir. Akira Kurosawa's indispensable staff member since "In the Woods"

The CON-CAN Movie Festival is organized by the CON-CAN Media Plaza, Tokyo, Japan, as a part of its activities to discover hidden creative talent from all over the world. For this mission, the festival is open to any kind of visual expressions in the form of film/video up to 20 minutes in length, regardless of the theme, the language used in the piece, or the age of the image creator.

With the belief that the polymorphic creative expressions of individual souls will facilitate mutual understanding among people, the CON-CAN Movie Festival aims to enable people around the world to share and exchange the underlying messages of profound visual works. And sheer creativity is often best expressed in the form of independent short films.

After the careful evaluation by the CON-CAN Media Plaza Executive Commitee and its advisor, 30 movies will be selected for the internet streaming for global viewing on the CON-CAN's audience-interactive website with Japanese and English subtitles. Then, One CON-CAN Grand Prix and two Tamashii Awards (Semi- Grand Prix) will be chosen by a seven-strong international jury comprised of globally acclaimed film professionals. The film with the strongest support from the online audience will be awarded with the Global Audience Award.
Man Im almost finished shooting a short in Japan, but it will run around 35 minutes. Im doing another here in January which will run about 40 mins.
Only up to 20 min.

Sorry, but we only accept films up to 20 min.
Some directors re-edit their longer films to 20 min. or less to make an entry to us, though...
Just a quick response. Thanks!