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CALL FOR ENTRIES - Phuket (Thailand) Film Festival

From Sunday, September 30 until Saturday, October 6 2007 on the beautiful international resort destination of PHuket Thailand, the first Phuket Film Festival will be held.

Delayed due to the tragic tsunami of December 2004, this year's PFF promises to be the newest "bright star" on the international film festival line-up.

Our first year, we are planning on a FUN festival! We are looking for film festival acclaimed features, shorts and docus. We have a coupld of berths for International Premieres.

We ARE NOT looking for art, horror or experimental films. We want family oriented, up beat, popcorn films from around the world.

More information can be found at www.phuketfilmfestival.com and you can write us at filmfestival.phuket@gmail.com

And if you have no plans for the first week in October, come on down to Phuket for a great time networking with film people from around the world who have one thing in common - they love their craft and they have fun doing it.

We also have workshops on digital film making AND a seminar on preservation of audio-visual attributes - what most film makers don't even thinkof in making their films - keeping them for future generations to appreciate.

Hope to see you on Phuket. :P
His thought was the same as mine. A line spoken by Cheech Marin in Tarantino's From Dusk Til Dawn jumped to mind.

But it's actually roughly pronounced "Poock-get".