cable cam

Hy guys(and girls). The story started 2 and a half months ago, when a bit woozie, me and the guys from the local bike club wanted to make some great shots of an upcomming bmx dirt jump competition. So we said, at least i did, i can make a cablecam( the other option was to hang a man on a rope, and slide him along with the rider). Work started, and i made a real piece of cr@p design, but as i started to kinda fall in love with it, i began to churn up a better and better design. So, I ended up with this piece of kit: still needs some paint, and that black lower part needs to be replaced so it can handle a larger camera. Currently a large DSLR or handycam can fit in there. Because we were really cheap, and the rockethub campaign didn't work, we had to make the cablecam out of plywood, which btw is stronger than i imagined, this rig will break at around 50 kg load. Anyway, except for the rc controls servos, ball bearings and screws, everything is homemade, to very fine tolerances( no laser cutting, the money ran out). This isn't a bragging thread, i just wanted to say that with some knowledge of structures and mechanics, most people can make great stuff. I searched the web, and rigs with the same specs started at 5000 usd, which from the calculation i made, is insanely expensive. Anyway, i am seriously considering making more of these, and cranes, at some affordable prices so that not only hollywood can afford high tech rigs. Hope to have inspired some people, and help the film community along. More to come with the finished rig, and hopefully in the near future a demo reel. Cheers.