Buying dinner after 2 hour shoot?

My comment wasn't directed at you personally, but towards everyone that was saying to pick up the tab.

I'm voicing an opinion. If you're pleased, then by all means, keep doing it your way.


hey listen, I understand you have your opinion. DRC is asking other people, based on their 'experience.' At least that's what I think. This can be a matter of opinion. It can also be a matter of practicality. If you are able to make films by not picking up the tab, then it is no longer a matter of opinion. It becomes a matter of doing.

The only reason I'm arguing with you is that I don't want people new in the game to think they can make movies without picking up the tab. Then they're going to do their planning wrong. Most of the 'everyone that was saying to pick up the tab' was saying so, because that's what you actually have to do.

Maybe you have made films with home cooking. But some people need to spend that time planning the actual film. Just making statements like 'it's a two way street' is not 'practical.' Sometimes you have to pay actors to be in your film. Sometimes you have to feed them. Sometimes when you feed them Subway two days in a row, they complain about it. Sometimes when you just work for an afternoon, pizza is enough. Sometimes it can be god knows what.

I don't believe an 'opinion' is helpful to the filmmaker in this case. And this is a very minor case.

best regards,
The only reason I'm arguing with you is that I don't want people new in the game to think they can make movies without picking up the tab. Then they're going to do their planning wrong. Most of the 'everyone that was saying to pick up the tab' was saying so, because that's what you actually have to do.

I'd agree, if you DO go out to dinner with them, yeah you're pretty much stuck with having to pick up the tab, which is why I said not to go out to dinner with them.

When you've wrapped up for the night, thank them all and tell them you've got to hurry home and edit footage or degass the monitors or whatever before the next shooting session. :cool: