
I think everyone has been burned or ripped off your had helped some one else out on their films only for them never return the favor. This is a good thread to post those rants or things you just want to get off your chest or back. Ill start:

I had become friends with this kid that was serious film maker. I never was but i enjoyed helping this kid and work behind the scenes on a couple of his films (making props, being an extra camera man on shoots , ect) I had helped him with 2-3 movies, when this thing came up "Campus Movie Fest" at our college. We decided together that we would enter together and would help each other film both our films. We did his first and i showed up provided some input and squeezed my body under a bed that no one else could for a shot of a creature coming out form underneath. After that wrapped I then approached him about doing my film, THATS when he became shifty and said "Well between editing and other stuff, i don't think i have time to help you." He offered, basically, to let me tag on his coattails for the ride and said that we could do my film later on some time. But i knew how that would end out. After days and hours helping him on his projects this kid couldn't give me one afternoon to film my project, I was pissed. What was worst he neglected to put me into the credits of his movie. And to add insult to injury, he went on to win 'Best Picture' at the regional competition. I was proud of my film that i made and it was so worth it NOT to just join him, as my film was shown on in front of something like 400 cheering students. But it just irked me, and i havent talked to that kid since.
I've learned in life( not in film industry) that always have things in writing, never work for free or for mates. Just use this experience as a lesson. Strive to become better than him and steal all his contacts and make an amazing film. Then one day you will thank him for the inspiration.
Or just ufc him next time you see him.
