Bumper music for cable access news show

Seeing what I get from IndieTalkers, before heading to the usual sources. :cool:

I'm producing a series of new segments for OC NORML's monthly cable access television broadcast, as well as some web-specific content.

I am in need of bumper music for my segments, and am looking for original music (no covers) by local Orange County bands and musicians.

The actual music style or genre is not terribly important, but the following is:

1) Energetic and upbeat music, reflective of an active, healthy SoCal lifestyle.

2) Bands which perform locally in OC are given extra consideration, as well as non-OC bands which project a pro-cannabis sentiment.

3) As much as I love hard-core metal, that just ain't gonna work. Don't.

There is no payment or financial recompense for this. The bands/musicians will earn a valuable consideration in the show's credits, in both the cable access broadcast and the abridged stand-alone online version.

Additionally, a massive spike of good karma is usually associated with events like this. ;)

Please PM me if you think you have what I need. My email-address for this will not be active 'til this weekend... and at that point, I'll be opening the search up.

Last note: This thread is not intended to discuss the pros/cons of the actual position taken. Take it to Lobby if you want to discuss it. :)