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Bullet hole in the face effect?

You all know the iconic Taxi Driver scene
2.43 where the guy gets shot in the face and we see the bullet hole

It's probably really simple and easy to do in after effects, but I cant seem to find any tutorials on how to do it well, so that it actually looks realistic and not cheesy.

Anyone know of any tutorials or can explain how to do it?
You don't need After Effects to do this. Just make up and good editing will get the exact same effect.

You get a shot of your guy without the make up. Then once the bullet hole make up is applied, you have him stand in the same spot with the same posture, and and get a shot of him acting as if he's been shot in the head.

Then when you edit, you start with a shot of him without the bullet hole, then cut to a shot of the other guy shooting the gun, then add just a couple of frames of the guy STILL without the bullet hole, then straight cut to a shot of him with the bullet hole right as he jerks his head back as if he were shot. Then cut to whatever feels right.

You'd be surprised what good editing can accomplish. They did it for YEARS before After Effects came along...

But, I guess if you REALLY want to use After Effects, here's a tutorial for it:

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Since that was done long before After Effects and I come from
that era of efx I can tell you it's easy to do on set. Well, easy
if you know what you're doing. The first several times I did a
shot like that it was rough - but with practice I got good at it.
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