Hey people that know a lot more than i do.
wondering if you could offer me any expertise/knowledge of developing a career in film.
i'm looking at university for film making (I live in melbourne, my preferences are Swinburne or JMC academy) i figure i'll finish those courses in about 3 years.. but then what? do i get placement? do i go through an office or something? do i whore myself out on the streets? lol. just after some insight is all
wondering if you could offer me any expertise/knowledge of developing a career in film.
i'm looking at university for film making (I live in melbourne, my preferences are Swinburne or JMC academy) i figure i'll finish those courses in about 3 years.. but then what? do i get placement? do i go through an office or something? do i whore myself out on the streets? lol. just after some insight is all
