Breaking into the industry?

Hey people that know a lot more than i do.

wondering if you could offer me any expertise/knowledge of developing a career in film.
i'm looking at university for film making (I live in melbourne, my preferences are Swinburne or JMC academy) i figure i'll finish those courses in about 3 years.. but then what? do i get placement? do i go through an office or something? do i whore myself out on the streets? lol. just after some insight is all :cool:

well i guess i'm hoping university will help me develop and better understand a specific area but i'm interested more in the creative side. script writing, directing.. maybe set design.
So your question is, what do I do after my film schooling?

Well, I would talk to your teachers about internship opportunities while you take schooling at your university. Work on all sorts of projects, indys, shorts, commercial, studio, ect. Network and establish relations with as many people as you can. That way when you graduate, you can contact them for work. There are ALOT of good threads on these forums, do a search...
I am kind of new to this place, but I know a thing or two!

This industry really is not set up for new people coming in to it. IT IS HARD... know that and know that you will have to fight tooth and nail to get attention from the right folks. I happen to know of movement called MoMe, ( I know of it because I know the story behind their struggle to try and provide equality, privacy and professionalism at the top of the game.)

I quote "MoMe enables anyone who has talent, ability or a service of any kind that is relevant to the film, TV, music, theatre, modeling or commercial world to be found by Directors, Producers, Scouts, TV channels or brands in order to privately communicate, test and ultimately hire said talent for a project.

Once hired the talent and those who seek it can use a palette of MoMe tools to perform every possible action needed in the production world." it goes into trial phase shortly and has a lot of industry backing!!! I have gotten myself on the free trial by emailing It might help you too!

Remember you have to put the work in and be prepared for a very bumpy ride if you want to make something of yourself in this industry!!

