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Breakdown the lingo please

I think I can figure it out but here is a list anyway:

Tape Media Layout Requirements:

1.) At least 15 seconds of color bar and tone
(use colorbar from media generator and tone is nothing more than a sound effect)

2.)At least 5 seconds of black prior to the first frame of slate
(So I gather this means, after the 15 seconds of color bars and tone I have to add an additional 5 seconds of black before the first frame?)

3.)At least 5 seconds of slate displaying Clients Name Spot Name and Length of cut. (I am lost on this one. I assumed it meant an additional 5 seconds on top of the previous 5 seconds to give the clients name. I don't know what length of cut means other than state the actual commercial is 30 seconds long)

4.)At least 2 seconds of black after slate and before the first frame of video (Lost. I am not sure what or why an additional 2 seconds is for. I am guessing its a gap of time between stating the clients name and the actual commercial)

5.)At least 5 seconds of black following the last frame of video

6.)The video must be on a continuous control track and timecode (guessing it means no gaps between all off the above)

The commercial should have continous control track for at least 15 seconds prior to the begining of the commercial , continuing throughout the commercial , and for at least 15 seconds following the commercial.
Linear timecode is required for all commercials . Encoders do not have the ability to read vertical time code .

(I don't know the difference nor do I know how to ensure that a tape I would hand in would be linear.)

Thanks in advance. I have learned a lot in twenty four hours. Perhaps more than what I would two months in a school.
2.)At least 5 seconds of black prior to the first frame of slate
(So I gather this means, after the 15 seconds of color bars and tone I have to add an additional 5 seconds of black before the first frame?)
3.)At least 5 seconds of slate displaying Clients Name Spot Name and Length of cut. (I am lost on this one. I assumed it meant an additional 5 seconds on top of the previous 5 seconds to give the clients name. I don't know what length of cut means other than state the actual commercial is 30 seconds long)
The "length of cut" means the length of your final product. If you
are submitting a 30 second spot (commercial) you will put the clients
name; PEPSI, the name of the spot; KID PLAYS WITH DOGS and
the length of the cut; 30 seconds.
4.)At least 2 seconds of black after slate and before the first frame of video (Lost. I am not sure what or why an additional 2 seconds is for. I am guessing its a gap of time between stating the clients name and the actual commercial)
Your guess is pretty good.

But do not guess. Do what they ask. If they want 11 frames, give
them 11 frames. If they ask for 68 seconds, that's what you give
6.)The video must be on a continuous control track and timecode (guessing it means no gaps between all off the above)
Excellent guess.
The commercial should have continous control track for at least 15 seconds prior to the begining of the commercial , continuing throughout the commercial , and for at least 15 seconds following the commercial.
Linear timecode is required for all commercials . Encoders do not have the ability to read vertical time code .

(I don't know the difference nor do I know how to ensure that a tape I would hand in would be linear.)
Vertical Interval TimeCode is used to encode extra data that will
not fit in a standard timecode frame. You will not be doing that.
You do not even have the capabilities to do it.

The "length of cut" means the length of your final product. If you
are submitting a 30 second spot (commercial) you will put the clients
name; PEPSI, the name of the spot; KID PLAYS WITH DOGS and
the length of the cut; 30 seconds.

Your guess is pretty good.

But do not guess. Do what they ask. If they want 11 frames, give
them 11 frames. If they ask for 68 seconds, that's what you give

Excellent guess.

Vertical Interval TimeCode is used to encode extra data that will
not fit in a standard timecode frame. You will not be doing that.
You do not even have the capabilities to do it.

Okay thanks.

So it would go like this:

15 seonds of color bars with 1khz tone
5 seconds of slate that would read : Pepsi followed by Kids play with dogs followed by 30 seconds
2 seoncds of black
15 seconds of black (slate?) after the commercial.

67 seconds.

Wrong. Tone is not a "sound effect." It is a 1kHz tone used to calibrate the sound system.


Okay thanks. I cannot assume a darn thing! So how would I 'get' that tone? Something downloaded?? Something created? - how?
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Okay thanks.

So it would go like this:

15 seonds of color bars with 1khz tone
5 seconds of slate that would read : Pepsi followed by Kids play with dogs followed by 30 seconds
2 seoncds of black
15 seconds of black (slate?) after the commercial.

67 seconds.


  • 15 seconds of bar and tone
  • 5 seconds of black
  • 5 seconds of slate that would read: "Pepsi, Kids play with dogs, 30 seconds" (each one on a new line)
  • 2 seconds of black
  • 30 seconds long commercial
  • 15 seconds of black

Okay thanks. I cannot assume a darn thing! So how would I 'get' that tone? Something downloaded?? Something created? - how?

Most NLEs will have a built-in function for creating bars and tone for standard resolutions and framerates - for example, Final Cut Pro has a "Bars & Tone Generator" that you just drag and drop onto the timeline.
Okay thanks. I cannot assume a darn thing! So how would I 'get' that tone? Something downloaded?? Something created? - how?
You can generate it (pro desks or recorders should have a generator or you can genrate it in software) or download a file of generated sound. Generating it yourself means you can be sure it is exactly right, you really don't want a -6dB tone 'turned up a bit', a snippet looped, or a recording off another tape.
It has to be very specific as it is used to calibrate equipment and playout levels. It absolutely has to be a clean 1KHz sine wave at 0dB. Don't be dismissive of how crucial the tone is and how specific it has to be.