Bravo's 100 Scariest Movies

Nice list Goldfish... I think I may have seen that one, not sure though. it did job another early horror film experience that really freaked me out, though. Watched "Mephisto" with my brother when I was probably 7 or 8. I barely remember the plot, I just remember him painting his face white and being some sort of Nazi.

I also watched Tommy around the same age... that was freaky too, though it probably explains my life long love of baked beans.
haha yeah.. the bake bean scene was a bit off!

I forgot to add Kubricks Clockwork Orange where ..oh wait. that wasnt scarey.. just weird!

carry on!
Scariest film....

Hard to beat the Exorcist. The idea of having no defense is pretty scary.

Psycho is good too. There is something to be said about the first time you see something like that. It works, then everyone tries to recreate it and it gets watered down.

Audition was good too, IFC showed alot of Japanese horror films about a year ago.
pretty good stuff. Nothing out now is all that scary. The most you can hope for is to
be startled and that ain't the same as being scared... BTW, I tend not to like monsters,
its a cheap scare. The exception is Alien. That was well done...
