Anyways, if you couldn't guess, my name is Brandon, I'm sure you thought it was Bill, and I'm a 17 year old high school student from the great toilet bowl State of New Jersey. I competed in Powerlifting for a few years, and studied martial arts in hope to someday become a successful Pro Wrestler. My other major interests are Acting and Filmmaking (and acting in them cause my ego won't let me stay away). I started doing random action sequences on youtube, and admit they are garbage, but now I am focusing on actual film, and I know my knowledge is limited at best, and I come here to further it!
So far you guys have done nothing but welcome me with open arms, and help me out, and I appreciate it!
Anyways, if you couldn't guess, my name is Brandon, I'm sure you thought it was Bill, and I'm a 17 year old high school student from the great toilet bowl State of New Jersey. I competed in Powerlifting for a few years, and studied martial arts in hope to someday become a successful Pro Wrestler. My other major interests are Acting and Filmmaking (and acting in them cause my ego won't let me stay away). I started doing random action sequences on youtube, and admit they are garbage, but now I am focusing on actual film, and I know my knowledge is limited at best, and I come here to further it!
So far you guys have done nothing but welcome me with open arms, and help me out, and I appreciate it!