brand usage. generic?

Anyone know how it works with using lables of generic products, such as "equate" or "great value"? Do these require clearance?

I need a close up on someone grabbing a bottle of cough syrup off the shelf. Need it to look very professional.

Thanks in advance
You could always turn the brand name product to the back, that's been done forever in productions.
Or you could print out a "looks close to the original" label but instead of Nyquil it can say "Cough be Gone" or something.
Equate and Great Value while touted as "generic" are still trademarks from Walmart.
And you don't want trouble with those characters! That's like using stuff from a company that rhymes with Pisney. :lol:
It is my understanding that these are themselves "brands" trying to accomplish the same goal (circumventing branding licensing costs, etc.). Hate to say it, but I believe you're going to have to pay them to use footage of it. Obviously, there are work-arounds, such as if this is a student project, etc., but the best course of action is WhiteOpus' solution. 2 hours in Photoshop, some full-page printer labels and a pair of scissors will grant you unlimited usage rights in all distribution markets (assuming you don't inadvertently create something you didn't intend that is already branded). =\

problem solved