Brain Storming Where To Go For Completion Funding

Last week's rain killed my funding for the pickup footage.

I still need to shoot 2 days of outdoor footage for a fight scene and pickup shots with some ADR.

I wasted a good $8,000 last week. And, there is no way to recoup it. If I can get funds, we will look into a backup place to shoot it indoors with greenscreen where only the dialogue needs to be shot in a park with close-ups.

Is there a place I can go for completion funding?

Thanks in advance.
Outside of transportation/meals/salaries all the rest is still useable, right? Was it raining all day? I would have rescheduled.

Sorry man, bummer to hear when a shoot goes awry. As far as where to get it, the same place as any other indie. Work and save, ask friends/family, find a way to do it for free, go into debt. If you paid actors for a shoot that didn't happen and they believe in your project, a free Saturday in a week or two isn't too much to ask for.

Or, aim for the traditional means of financing and approach investors, try for foreign presales, etc. Given your past level of work the indie route is probably the safest bet though.

Good luck!
It poured rain for the days we had the actors there. I think I left out the cost of the set insurance with stunt coverge.

I have no funds for a rescheduling. My whole refund got used up with 2 actors as no shows. If there is a reshoot, their roles may have to be recast, which means new auditions at a rented space and costumes. The costumes may be unused. But, their costumes were a waste. I have to allow for recasting if need be too.
I have been in search of a second job and filling out job applications. I have not been called in for even one interview yet. So, I am trying to have a way of raising more money. Luck has not been on my side.
Well, I was just informed that SyFy Channel will be looking for pilots to develop into possible TV series. The pilots need to be between 4 and 22 minutes long. But, SyFy is only looking to pay $5,000 to the filmmaker they select.

It can help in my present situation. But, I will be working at a great loss.

I can edit thefootage down to a 20 minute presentation, introducing the main characters as intended. But, I will need someone to sound score it. And, I need to call back one actress to redo her ADR in a different sound recording studio. That scene is too important to the whole film to leave out. I have a topnotch composer working on an end credit song.

I also just got a rent increase by my landlord. So, I am under pressure to land a weekend job ASAP.
$8,000 is just depressing to see go down the drain. My best wishes to you on completing the film.

I find it interesting that they are only willing to pay $5,000 for what they will get out of it. Is that $5000 for the rights, can you still have say in the directing or writing, if not can you still work on the series or is it theirs now?

A second job is probably the smartest thing right now. I hope you do get the interview. IF you keep at it, you'll get one and your wallet will feel a little heavier :)
It's discouraging I'm not even getting called for an interview.

The contest rules require a one minute trailer and one minute artistry intro by the series creator and a cast member be made into a video along with the pilot.

That's why I made this:

The one minute artistry intro is in the works.

I have a meeting with a sales agent next week.

I still want to complete the 40 minute version. The $5,000 can help with that. But, an additional $5,000 will be needed to get the final cut of the 40 minuter version to film the fight scene we need and effects it will need and other expenses.