Before you build a "Fanbase", I'd first build a "Network".
The more familiar you are with those in your field, the greater your chance of widening your horizons.
Be smart when you Network and most of all "Market" your product.
Find your audience, in one question. Ask yourself...
Who is your product for?
Once you know, then you can get to the hardwork. It's about smarts, stamina, and alot of research.
Where do your target audience go to TALK, LISTEN, or WATCH the product that is similar to yours which determined them your audience?
Find out. Go there. Speak to the people who write, publish and advertise. Websites, Blogs, Newspapers, Webmagazines. Get into THAT network.
Speak to Marketers. Get your audience (once you find them) involved. Keep them updated.
Remember to KEEP IT FRESH. It sounds a little Jazzy Jeff, but it's key.
People don't like repitition. They don't. It's boring. Freshen it up. Do something new. Don't Tweet the same thing everyday, don't spam people relentlessly.
Do something fun?
Throw a gig with a musician you KNOW your fans like. Sell your product to the artist (obviously not talking Elvis here, but you get the picture)
Try to have the worlds largest waterballoon fight.
Get your community involved. You have no idea how much a community will get behind a local. Make them proud. Tell them what you're doing, make them excited. Do something for them. Book out a local theatre (Or contact them, and trade your services) for the night and give away free tickets. Bring a local musican to play in the interval, or opening act.
There are FANS for the product. But ideally, what you want, is for those fans to be fans of YOU. That's how you build an empire.