
Well I was bored last night so I finally got around to starting a database of my movies. I've got most of the DVDs entered now, haven't touched the VHS yet.. but some interesting stats are coming up...

Of the 153 DVDs I've entered so far, here's the breakdown of genre's:

52% Comedy
38% Drama
27% Action
24% Thriller
21% Adventure
16% Romance
15% Sci-Fi
14% Fantasy
9% Horror
6% Music
5% Animation
4% Mystery
3% Western
3% War
1% Documentary
1% Musical

what the difference between 'Music' and 'Musical' is is beyond me, but I thought it was kinda neat to see a breakdown like that. In case anyone feels like taking a gander at my list,
Also, the Software I'm using is available here. You need a webserver with PHP and a database. Nice thing is it's able to look up all the info from IMDB, Amazon, etc.. seems to be a pretty nifty program, and takes more than just video for it's item types.. I'm thinking I might have to start on my book library soon too.

I can't believe I'm still awake, I guess that's what I get for sleeping all day yesterday..
Well mostly it was just typing the name of the film and hitting a couple buttons to select the right one from amazon and/or imdb.. then it filled in all the info for me. ;)

Started on the VHS now too.. I'm probably somewhere around 2/3 done with all of it. Been meaning to do one of these for a couple years.
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I had to rearrange my DVDs today (set up a DVD rack I got for Christmas ... lazy). I noticed I have between 110 to 125 DVDs and of those 10 of them start with the letter "s" and 8 start with the letter "t." The next highest is a tie between "e," "l," and "m" with 3 apeice.

I thought maybe it was a sign that I am to "smelt" something or I need something that "melts."

Is that weird to anyone?

Poke said:
I thought maybe it was a sign that I am to "smelt" something or I need something that "melts."

Is that weird to anyone?


mmmm some icecream wouldnt go far at the moment....

you have a pretty imressive collection going there... i havnt counted my DVD's yet as they are in a nice basket and not a rack or anything like that, but i think i onyl have around 60 so far....

its nice to know that there are people out there that have more DVD's then me so at least i have something to live up to... :D

One member here (and I can't remember who) told me they had over 300.

I have a friend that buys five or six DVDs every week even if he's never seen or heard of them. I wish I had the money to do that.

Poke said:
I thought maybe it was a sign that I am to "smelt" something or I need something that "melts."

Is that weird to anyone?


I hate explaining my jokes, but I don't mind explaining someone elses...

Ice Cream..."something that melts"

Wouldn't go well now...It's nice out here in CA, but a lot of the world is in deep freeze.

There you have it.

If you want me to go over macro and micro economics, just let me know!! :lol:


Will Vincent said:
Well I was bored last night so I finally got around to starting a database of my movies. I've got most of the DVDs entered now, haven't touched the VHS yet.. but some interesting stats are coming up...

Of the 153 DVDs I've entered so far, here's the breakdown of genre's:

52% Comedy
38% Drama
27% Action
24% Thriller
21% Adventure
16% Romance
15% Sci-Fi
14% Fantasy
9% Horror
6% Music
5% Animation
4% Mystery
3% Western
3% War
1% Documentary
1% Musical

what the difference between 'Music' and 'Musical' is is beyond me, but I thought it was kinda neat to see a breakdown like that. In case anyone feels like taking a gander at my list,
Also, the Software I'm using is available here. You need a webserver with PHP and a database. Nice thing is it's able to look up all the info from IMDB, Amazon, etc.. seems to be a pretty nifty program, and takes more than just video for it's item types.. I'm thinking I might have to start on my book library soon too.

I can't believe I'm still awake, I guess that's what I get for sleeping all day yesterday..

Are there any specific instructions for uploading the script? Permissions? Database? etc.?

Umm... I'd say unzip it on your local drive, then do a recursive ftp to the webhost..

don't believe i had to set any special permissions, but .. maybe. Otherwise, there's a sql dump file that will create the database for you (can do if from phpmyAdmin, and whatnot) and then the install/config all does it's thing the first time you point a browser at it..

It was really quite easy to set up, but for some reason the lookups wouldn't work from my network, so I had to put it out there on intensitymedia.. :(
Poke, I notice from your posting that you organise your DVD's alphabetically. Is this how everyone else does?

Because 90% of my films are world cinema I organise by country of origin and then I group films by director, placing films by date of production, earliest on the left, most recent on the right. The only group that is further sub divided is the USA group that is split into indie films and mainstream. The mainstream section is only about ten DVDs. (All the Alien films, all the Matrix films and the first two Blade films)

It drives Stella crazy because you have to know which country a film was made in, the director and roughly when it was made to find anything.

On the other hand it means all the Hollywood pap is lumped together, well away from the existentialist Russian Sci-Fi.

Do I win the "High Fidelity" film nerd of the week award for this or can someone here out do me in DVD filing anorakness? :lol:
because 90% of my films are world cinema I organise by country of origin and then I group films by director, placing films by date of production, earliest on the left, most recent on the right.

I can't possibly comment on DVD collections, but that is exactly how my book collection ( i am a full-time academic) is, but by subject, then author, then date left to right.

It drives Stella crazy
haha - glad to see married life hasn't changed you!!! :lol: (i presume.......)

Do I win the "High Fidelity" film nerd of the week award for this or can someone here out do me in DVD filing anorakness? :lol:

sometimes (usually every other day) i order them according to how much i like them - sometimes descending, sometimes ascending. it depends which side of the bed i get out of. sometimes i even split them 50/50 so that one 50% is on one side of the bed, my bed being in the middle of the room - but enough about my bed.
this sounds all very perplexing - until you find out how many DVDs i actually have - 2!!!!! (one which i co-own) - sunset blvd + spiceworld (i really don't know which one i should admit to only co-owning....) :blush:
i concede to clive in terms of anorakness, and in terms of number of DVDs to everyone else here - i am the very definition of loser or winner, depending on how you see the accumulation of vast quantities of stuff that is the very pulpit and pillar of contemporary consumerism.
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I actually switch back and forth between aphabetical and movie connections (when ever I rearrange). Before the most recent rearrangment I had them linked by director or studio.
