Hey everybody,
If you haven't read my other posts, then I'll tell you that...
Well I've decided to make a mini-series with my friends (we're about 13 years old). It's going to have some action in it but not too much.
Anyways, I only have 1 camcorder and a tripod right now (that's it) and later on I might get a microphone shotgun (Canon DM50). Is the microphone worthy to get? Although we're young, we don't want the series to turn out too boring and neutral, and to avoid that we need good angles and sound. I've tried switching angles everytime we switch a little scene, for example during a conversation, we usually have the camera face person A, then when he finishes talking change the camera to person B and start filming again. However, when replaying these videos, there seem to be a massive difference during the swich, there are some Wind Noises and mini noises that suddenly appear and are not natural.
Is there anyway to avoid this, using only the equipment I have (or will get?) I don't think a boom is a good idea because I'm still young and I'm not at a stage to get a boom/microphone that's expensive, besides it's really rare in the place I live).
Thanks for any comment
If you haven't read my other posts, then I'll tell you that...
Well I've decided to make a mini-series with my friends (we're about 13 years old). It's going to have some action in it but not too much.
Anyways, I only have 1 camcorder and a tripod right now (that's it) and later on I might get a microphone shotgun (Canon DM50). Is the microphone worthy to get? Although we're young, we don't want the series to turn out too boring and neutral, and to avoid that we need good angles and sound. I've tried switching angles everytime we switch a little scene, for example during a conversation, we usually have the camera face person A, then when he finishes talking change the camera to person B and start filming again. However, when replaying these videos, there seem to be a massive difference during the swich, there are some Wind Noises and mini noises that suddenly appear and are not natural.
Is there anyway to avoid this, using only the equipment I have (or will get?) I don't think a boom is a good idea because I'm still young and I'm not at a stage to get a boom/microphone that's expensive, besides it's really rare in the place I live).
Thanks for any comment
