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watch Blue eyed - short


I'm new to the forum. From what I've read there seems to be alot of really knowledgeable people here. I was hoping some of you would take a look at my short film and give a little feedback. If anyone is looking for my two cents on their work I'd be more than happy to oblige.
To fully understand the title one must know that in swedish "Blue eyed" is an expression that means "naive" or "gullible", but it's not an insult. It's more of something you'd say about your own daughter
So the film's in swedish, but it has english subs (just click the "cc-button")

All the best!

- Peter wakes up duct taped to a table. The room's pitch black outside of the circle of light he's in. He can hear someone breathing in the darkness.


It's very nicely shot. The lighting is very interesting. The use of black & white is done well.
Does Gabriel stab Peter in the hand? I guess I would have preferred to have been shown that (or whatever does happen to make blood appear) more clearly
. The audio mix could be tweaked a tiny bit for my taste; Peter's voice seemed overly loud to me. The story is fair. But the film's strength is less in its story and more in the style of its execution.

Nice work. Hope you share more here.