Blind Date vs. CSI Miami

For my first inquiry into this field I want to ask another dorky question:

Why is it that reality shows look so Home Made and regular tv shows like CSI and 24 look like they could be put on the big it the camera or the editing software that does that.

What I really mean is what kind of camera and editing software would I have to buy to make my videos look like Movie Quality Video not that Home Camcorderish / Reality tv look....and if it is just the quality of the camera then do I have to go to film school or can I just start filming Movie Quality stuff fresh out of the box??

Its dumb but hey Im new!!
huh, what do you mean??

so if you film stuff straight to a digital recorder you cant get that smooth rich look??

what kind of cameras can do that??

Film and Digital have different looks about them. Film sets a softer tone then digital. Digital is sharp and crisp. In the end, it just depends on what you perfer, or what you want your film to look like.
"CSI: Miami" and "24" are shot on 35mm film with Panavision cameras. The cameras are over $100,000 a piece. The crew has years of professional experience. Each episode probably cost between 1.5 to 2 million each, so trying to match that look with an under $5000 video camera and a budget of under $1000 is going to be tough. If you want to get close, use a camea with 24P frame rate and get somebody who knows how to light a set. And don't forget to get a good mic.
