Black Magic Pocket shipping & price drop on BMCC

Got an email from BM this morning saying the pocket cams are shipping today - and that the BMCC price has dropped from $3k to $2k. I held off on pre-ordering the pocket cam to see how it faired in the real world, honestly didn't expect it to ship this soon though. It sounds like it's not going to be much more than a trickle of cameras at first though, and considering the number of preorders they've likely got it'll probably be months before they're readily available.

The price drop on the original has got me considering it a lot more seriously though - especially since it's actually available and in stock right now. I'd prefer the smaller size & removable (and inexpensive) batteries on the pocket, but the larger sensor is a draw for the cinema...

Anyone using the original - how are you feeling about it after working with it a while? Are there any showstoppers or even things that are annoying enough that you'd choose something else at this point? I'm primarily shooting short narrative and doc stuff, mostly mixed 5DmkII/III but lately some C100/ninja2. I really like the direct to prores from the ninja, and I'd mostly be using the BM camera in prores rather than raw mode - and getting that at 1/4 the c100/ninja combo price is attractive.

EDIT: also - anyone using the speedbooster with the BMCC yet? I thought they had a m4/3 mount version but I don't see it on the site. If I can get an EF-m4/3 speedbooster I'd likely go with the m4/3 BMCC so I could match a pocket as a b-cam later; otherwise I'd probably stick with the EF body.
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Received that same email. I've preordered the Pocket Cam. Thought briefly of canceling and getting the MTF cinema cam (I have a gx1 body I can use to set aperture). But going to stick to my pocket cam order, and if price is still 2k at Christmas, ill be ordering one of those as a gift to myself.
...anyone using the speedbooster with the BMCC yet? I thought they had a m4/3 mount version but I don't see it on the site. If I can get an EF-m4/3 speedbooster I'd likely go with the m4/3 BMCC so I could match a pocket as a b-cam later; otherwise I'd probably stick with the EF body.

The Nikon to MFT Speed Booster has been released, but the EF to MFT has not. According to 4/3 Rumors, it will be released this month (August 2013). When it does roll out, you should be able to get one from the Metabones store on Amazon.


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I'd rather a Pocket Cam with S16 glass than a Cinema Cam with still glass any day. Neither would really be my choice for an A cam if I could help it, but the S16 glass without vignetting is just too good to pass up.

My 2c.
I'm generally fine with still glass, but it seems like getting wide angle on the pocket cam is going to require S16 cinema lenses that are well out of my usual price range, probably even as rentals. After doing some more research on the current state of the BMCC though I've pretty much talked myself back out of it, probably just wait for the pocket and put the difference into lenses and/or lights.
That's my point - you can use S16 glass on the Pocket Cam.

You can rent Ultra 16's (the S16 equivalent of Ultra Primes) pretty darn cheaply at the moment.

Hmm, just a quick search and the closest place I can find them is in LA, at $900/day for the set and $2500/week. Certainly not bad for what they are, but not really what I'd call "pretty darn cheap" when we're talking about shooting on a $1000 camera. But the there doesn't seem to be much competition in the fast & wide category for S16.
Hmm, just a quick search and the closest place I can find them is in LA, at $900/day for the set and $2500/week. Certainly not bad for what they are, but not really what I'd call "pretty darn cheap" when we're talking about shooting on a $1000 camera. But the there doesn't seem to be much competition in the fast & wide category for S16.

I guess it depends on your local rental house. There are also the fabulous Zeiss Superspeeds, Optek's and many others as well as some great zooms.

Many rental houses will cut you a deal, based on the fact that their 16 glass has been sitting on the shelf for who knows how long.
Of course, with the advent of 16 sensor size in digital, how long that will last is unknown.