archived-videos "Bittersweet" Music Video

FINALLY! Here is the music video for Dante Schmitz's first single from his self titled album. Click here to view it!

The video is far from perfect, but I'm proud of it. Note that I tried to do some pickup shoots, but it became too difficult to get all the talent together again. I edited what I had, and here it is. Please give me your thoughts. I am submitting the video to several festivals, websites, and even fuse. If you have any good ideas of where else I should submit; please let me know!
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Liked It A Lot

:yes: Good stuff. I really liked the backwards footage, the smoke and roses.

Liked the lighting a lot, especially on Dante while singing. The message of the music and the video was interesting and gelled well.

My only complaint- there were a couple of times on Dante where you either started out of focus or lost focus during the shot. I don't know if it was intentional, but I found that distracting.

I really, really like it. Best of luck in the fests.
We toyed with the focus on purpose actually. Too bad it didn't add to the video like it was intended too. We did it more intensly in a test video and got positive feedback, so we kept it in this one.

Anyway, thanks Lilith! I'm glad you liked it!
Can you fix the sync issue on the last shot of him singing? If so, that would tighten it up nicely.
Well, Indie, the problem is that he actually isn't singing in sync. I didn't notice it during the shoot, but for some reason he doesn't sing exactly the same way as he does on the track...I guess he just got in the zone and changed it up even though the track was playing in the background. I synced the last "...we could be alright...", but the rest is out of sync. If I synced the rest of that shot, when he was in shadow, the last phrase would be totally off. He changes tempo randomly instead of lip syncing, so there's nothing I could do. I also love that shot, so I figured it was worth the sync problems.
I looked again. I still think you can fix it. You can cut it up and there will be jump cuts, but nothing wrong with jump cuts.

Anyway, nice job.
Good stuff Logan. I liked the backwards stuff and the lighting. I'm unsure as to why there is both a guy and a girl doing the "Trust" artwork.

We thought about shooting a shot of the guy and girl standing together at the end after "Trust" was revealed. I thought it would be unclear if we didn't, but we released this version and, until you, no one has even mentioned that, so we assumed it worked the way it is (run on sentance from Hell). The way it is now, the guy and girl could be a couple or just random people...the audience decides.