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watch BirkFest 2011 Test One

I like what you're going for here. Personally, the color grade is a little heavy for my taste. And I would have liked it if at certain points we got to see a full screen of some of the shots. Though maybe with the text and VO, it'll bring it all together more.

Nice work, as per usual, wheat :)
Yeah, there are some stellar "rock god" shots in there, Id like to bring them out more too. I think this will be one element of the finished project.

Truth be told, Im grateful to have gotten inspired to get this far. This thing has been sitting like a "rock" in my gut for a long time, 0 inspiration, but now, Im excited about this project... weird that..
I think it looks great. It definitely needs a voiceover, and any other info you can splash at us. As is, it looks great, but the visuals alone aren't gonna hold anybody's interest. Maybe some sound-bites from interviews with people who've attended? That, in addition to a straight narrator would make this really special.
hum.. wish I had some of that.. ! DOH! Might ask the promoter to do a VO. I dont really have any ideas of what to say in a VO? .. what are you IMAGINING you hear when you watch it?

Additional graphic elements?

I was thinking of cutting \ overlaying a stained and battered road map with one of those old school "red dashed lines" leading to the location of the venue... Maybe Ill go out, if I get some decent weather one of these days and shoot some footage of the route. showing each turn off.. as seen through a dirty speckled windshield..
hum.. wish I had some of that.. ! DOH!

All you need is a few people. If you really craft your questions carefully, you can practically script an interview. The audience will never know how leading your questions were. :)

If you were to go to the organizer for a voiceover, I think I'd lean away from (literally) scripting it. You could get lucky, but most people would deliver something that would just sound canned. If you want something scripted, I would go to that website you used before, with the pro narrators. If you want to go to the organizer, I would conduct an interview, and just ask really leading questions (and then edit the heck out of that dialog). I assume the organizer would have a few friends/family members who have attended, so maybe you could knock out a handful of interviews at once?

As far as content is concerned, I guess I would just look for as many different ways to highlight what makes this fest special -- the geography of the region, the local culture, the kind of people who attend, the bands, the venue itself, the history of it, the atmosphere, the time of year, whatever -- just look for as many different ways as possible to get people to say positive things about it. :)
Where are the PA stacks? Long shot of the venue? Estab shots? All I saw was a bunch of grungy roadies and a few members of Puddle of Mud


And no sound design?!?!?! WHEAT HAVE I TAUGHT YOU NOTHING??!?!! :(
dont be hatin! whers the love? the support.. your so mean! waa waaaaaw waaaaaa

Seriously though..
good ideas, Im incorporating a couple shots just like you (and CF) suggest.. thanks bros..