archived-videos Big Boobs, Blonde Babes, Bad Blood (clip online)

We now have a clip online from the 2 hour short film retrospective
"Big Boobs, Blonde Babes, Bad Blood"
WARNING Clip Contains Nudity
Homepage of the movie:

The movie features roughly 90 minutes of underground short films, with director interviews in between, hosted by some cute blonde girls and other things here and there.

This clip is just a taste of what's included in the movie besides the short films.

Alter Ego Cinema
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The trailer was a bit too vague... kinda like that one you made for "Amateur Porn-Star Killer". :(

It seems like it's a compilation of AEC shorts, with additional commentary... but I gathered that from the UnderGround Films site (and AEC site). The trailer didn't explain that at all.

Is the film available for purchase, btw?

I've been wanting to get a DVD of AEC shorts for a while. You peeps have made so many interesting films... not all of them dealing with pleasant or easy topics, but fascinating nonetheless. :cool:


Hah! I just saw someone I know listed in the "Hosted by..." credits.
Yeah, it kinda doesn't say much, you're right, but it is just a clip not a trailer. It's probably possible to make a trailer for this but since it's a compilation not a feature film it just seemed easier, I guess, to put a clip online. But somebody else said the same as you on another forum, I cut and pasted my repsonse below.

"The movie actually features a variety of short films (instead of just a plain short films compilation of one short film after another) the directors decided to take a different approach by adding hostesses, directors interview segments before hand and random exploitation type stuff featured in the clip.
It was kind of hard to find a clip that was short enough and didn't overlap with the short films. Since all the short films in the movie are alreay online, there wasn't any reason to repost them in the clip. So the clip is intended to show people the approach the rest of the movie takes. While some of the films are more serious, some are also categorized into the violent/sexploitative genres, and everything in between just kinda pokes fun at itself."

Anyways, hope that explained a little, but thanks for checking it out. Always nice to hear from the Zen man! You're awesome :yes:

Hopefully we'll make our decision soon on what to do with this project so people can start purchasing it, if they'd like. The problem now 'n' days, is that there's too many options (which is great) but can sometimes make people go round in circles not knowing which angle to take, and I notice that with many of our filmmakers. Do I try and find a dist, do I dist. it myself? Well, now I have to learn DVD's. No, let's take it to festivals (obviously not this since it's a compilation not a film), but it gets never ending in making desicion. Ahh, anyways.