archived-videos BGC: 'Polaroid' (2004) - animation



Windows Media Player (small):

Quicktime and Real Player versions (large and small) can be found on TriggerStreet.


This film was difficult to make. Primarily because I was determined to explore animation further but wanted to move away from stop motion. So I ended up drawing every frame when I haven't the faintest clue, the talent or the know-how. And so I had to find a way of presenting figures and movements through minimal, rough sketches.

I chose the reverse side of the Polaroid as a canvas simply because I found the idea of the negative fascinating. The aesthetic really interested me and seemed to compliment the rough style of the images.

For a lot of people, this film doesn't make any sense and that's my fault for getting too carried away and making it perhaps a little too abstract. Tying a loose narrative in there simply frustrates the viewer.

The best thing about this film is the soundtrack by Matt Collins ( which took a long time to fine tune. He did it for free and I'm forever grateful for the great job he did. It really makes the film seem better than it really is.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
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That was superb! Loved every frame of it. Loved the concept. Loved the artwork. Loved the music. Absolutley loved it!

Had to watch it twice.

Gushing Poke
For a lot of people, this film doesn't make any sense and that's my fault for getting too carried away and making it perhaps a little too abstract.

Gah! :shock: What kind of alternatives would you consider? Stickmen with cartoon speech bubbles over their heads? Subtitles? The film is great as is. 8)
Thanks guys. That means a lot to me.

It took a lot of time and even more effort. Glad it's over but I'm even more pleased that people don't think it's only worth is for lining the budgie cage...
That was great! Shows incredible talent--for both artist and musician. I hope to see more from you posted here! (And the abstract concept is not at all a deterrent. Given the style of artwork, your concept works perfectly well.)
I liked this a lot! We are always more critical of ourselves than others. This showed great talent and I love things with a twist... The end threw me but that's what I love. It was unexpected.

When's the next one?
Very Cool, I like the music, but the best part was your animation.

At first it looked like you were just trying to figure it out, but as we progressed through the film your animation got more complex, had more of a style and actually did have a story.

I loved it
Thanks for your support and for keeping an open mind. A lot of people don't see a narrative and dismiss it immediately as 'abstract crap' (wonder what that looks like). I'm more interested in hearing what you see and what you take from from it. Even if you hate it.

Although this film isn't a very successful piece, I guess learning to stop expecting to recognise a basic cohesive thought is what abstract filmmaking is all about.
I totally dig it man. I especially like the concept of doing it on the back of a polaroid. reminds me of when we used to take pictures with poloroids and draw in them with our fingernails before they were "dry". I thought your music choice was really good to, set the mood well for me.
It had a very chilling sound with nice, gentle imagery. An ambient movie that was interesting to watch although I haven't got any idea what the 'message' was supposed to be other than a generally paradoxical gentle/eery feeling, I suppose that's no bad thing in itself.