archived-videos BGC: 'Domestic' (2004) - animation, comedy



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Mostly, this film is the product of sheer 'DIY' tenacity.

Drawing influences from Michel Gondry, this home-made homage to Monty Python was scaled down to the space of my desktop.

This was for a number of reasons but primarily due to having no budget. Using building blocks and keeping it within a confined space meant that I had to construct a fluid and visually interesting narrative.

It also allowed me complete control over the entire process: I could move the characters acutely, attain a high quality of shots, set-ups, costumes and lighting that otherwise would have been difficult to achieve on a zero budget.

The sound, music, acting and editing are rough. I'm ok with it, though because it helped me achieve the flickerbook aesthetic I was aiming for. It taught me a lot along the way, an experience I'm glad to have had. As my first animation and as a product of 3 nights work, it's not that bad...

Since making this film, I have been informed that there is a shot-for-shot copy of 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' made in Lego by Tim Drage and Tony Mines in 2001 so I feel utterly redundant.

So far this film has only been entered into the Reel Talent Short Film Competition held at the Arts Institute at Bournemouth and took 3rd place. It was surpassed by the films, 'Shadi in The Beautiful Well', by Mahdi Fleifel (1st) and 'Shades of Grey', by John Hames (2nd).

All feedback and criticism is welcome- how else are we meant to learn?

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Like I said, I'm no professional, but you need loads of frames for slow, smooth movement and it needs to be complemented with a reasonably fast frame rate. Each image only lasts 3 frames in a 25 fps compiled state.

I shot it on a low-resolution (built-in) digital still camera with a large memory card so I could afford to spend ages subtly moving things and getting loads of shots. My only regret is the pseudo-crane shot over the house, I didn't get enough frames and as a result it looks rushed and sloppy. It could have been great!
That was brilliant! :P

Btw, it's either or that has a rather extensive compilation of Lego-animated shorts, including famous movie spoofs/reenactments as well as original tales. You should be easily able to get this added. (Be sure to read the restriction-rules, if you intend to enter more festivals).

Found it:
for 3 nights work this is great. some good smooth stop-motion. and i like the way those lego soldiers seem to have their own little character. well done.
Gotten a lot of flak on other sites about this film not containing a warning so I must state:

This film contains strong language and violence and should not be watched without parental guidance.

Thank you.