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Best Way To Remove Spec Of Dust

I am just finishing up the primary edit for a shot film I've shot over the last few months. After I brought it into the editor I realized a few pixel size spec of dust that must have been on the sensor the whole time. I've since cleaned my sensor, but that still doesn't help my hours of footage with it on the screen.

Any ideas on what would be the simplest/most effective way to remove this spec from the video. It is in the exact same square of pixels in every frame.

The spec is on the right side of his suit jacket in this shot. It stays the same place through all shots in this sequence.

Here's a screenshot. I may be able to do it that after effects way if I can get back into somewhere with after effects before my deadline. Any other knowledge on this would still be appreciated.

I actually think it is a hot pixel. It's still equally undesirable :/
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You could use your favourite software to "copy" a very small area from very nearby to overlay it. You'd just want to make sure that there wasn't any frames where a hard dividing line was between the clone source and target. In those cases you could move the source to below, or above, where ever it is similar to the target spot again. Still probably needs some tweaking, but a whole lot less than doing each frame.
You'd still be able to see it, but it should be a whole lot less noticeable.
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if its a hot pixel you can do two things..


2. do not use high isos in dark images

I only occur hot pixel in poorly lit rooms, i looked into the issue a while back and apparently all cameras get it, but some cameras may have a permanent problem which you should get sent back to get the sensor fixed or replaced.
For the AE technique, make a black solid, paint a white dot on it where the dust is (if possible, 1 or 2 pixels wider than the actual dust, then blur the mask you've just created by a pixel or 2).

Now, duplicate your footage and put it on top of the main footage and set it to use the black solid as a luma matte. Shift the top footage 1 or 2 pixels to the side and it should be unnoticeable.