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Best export settings from premiere pro

I have a T2i, and would like to know what are the best export settings for my footage? anybody here a pro with editing?
What are you wanting to export to? YouTube, Vimeo, DvD, BluRay etc all need different formats and settings. When in doubt, presets are great.

If you're talking about converting footage before editing, then you don't need to. It'll edit natively on CS5 and newer.
DVD is SD: 720x576 in PAL (with non-square pixels) or someting like 640x480 in NTSC-area (also non-square pixels).
On YouTube you can upload fullHD 1920x1080.

That's a big difference.
For DVD you'll need to export as mpeg-2 for DVD.
(There are a lot of opinions about how to scale the footage down with maximum quality.)

A first step can always be exporting as uncompressed .avi or .mov (= animation codec).
This export can be used to make a H.264 fle for YouTube and to make a smaller version for DVD.
But it will take up a lot of space.
Like Paul said, it depends on what you want it for.

For online stuff, I prefer h.264 720p. Premiere has this preset listed as "Apple TV 720". I haven't figured out why they call it that, because nothing about it has anything to do with Apple. Whatever, the reason I like it is simply because it keeps the file-sizes down, but seems to look pretty good. And, though youtube and vimeo both handle 1080 footage, in my experience, most viewers' web connection is not fast enough for full HD.

For DVD, you're downgrading the footage, significantly (DVD is SD). Which software will you be using to get it on DVD?
For DVD use one of the DVD mpeg2 presets. Adobe Media Encoder does a pretty great job. If it's less than 2 hours long, use the Highest quality DVD preset and you're great. You want NTSC (720x480).

What cracker recommended for online is good too. You can queue both transcodes into te encoder and let it encode all at once if you want, but it'll most likely be pretty quick if it's a short anyway.
Oh, and they call it Apple TV because it's the best setting if you're going to stream it to an Apple TV :) Sounds like something many would never do, but those things are crazy handy for playing back MP4s in a lot of settings.