Best DVD Special Features

So what are your favorite special features on a DVD?

Specifically, which films have good behind the scenes docus? Which have good director's commentary?

I'd love to get some ideas for some good ones to watch, but special features are rarely reviewed.

I'll go first: I really love the audio commentary on KEEPING THE FAITH (2000). The commentary is with Edward Norton and his co-writer. It's really interesting and informative since it was his first screenplay and first time directing. Before I knew anything about making movies, I learned a lot from that commentary. Also the special features have a blooper reel, which I always find really fun :)

Also, the audio commentary on YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN (SPACEBALLS, too, come to think of it) is really really great. It's funny since it's Mel Brooks talking and there are a lot of nice anecdotes about filming, but it really was great to hear about the writing process and all those technical aspects of a big hollywood film.

What are your picks?
I am into VFX and animation , so I loved the LOTR dvd set...Also at that time that many FX shot in a movie was kind of much information.