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watch Below Ground Trailer, feature i shot in 24hrs

This was a fun movie to shoot. I posed the question to my cast and crew last year if we could shoot an entire feature film in 24 hrs. We did and this is the trailer for it.

24 Hours?! Wow. That's fast.

So, you did a whole bunch of rehearsing, beforehand? Or, was it really improvisational? Or both?

How long is it?
I'd also be interested to hear how you guys shot this... Loose script, professional actors. Was is extremely stressful with a 24hr time limit. How long is the final product... are you satisfied with your footage? Would you do this kind of thing again?
Well there was no script and no rehearsals. Just a basic list of the things I needed to happen to keep the story moving in the right direction. I used my normal stock of local actors including myself.
We met at 7:00 am on a Saturday morning. I showed up with enough home cooked food and snacks to last the duration. I had to carefully plan the day as to not waste a minute. Things like make up guys working and getting things done while I'm off shooting other things. We wrapped most of the FX stuff (not that their was much) by sundown and then proceeded to work through the night. Around midnight we took an hour to reboot and eat another meal. The morning hours were the hardest for obvious reasons but since we shot in chronological order it worked out because the fatigue started working on the actors faces and by that time they were almost brainwashed into living the part. We finally wrapped at 6:30 the following morning putting us at 23.5 hrs.
Out of all the feature films I have directed and produced this has been the best time shooting. I'm doing it again this year with a film called "The Ohio Lights"
Final cut of the film is 80 min and yes i was very pleased with the footage.
I recommend you all give it a shot It's a bit like a drug and will enlighten you by the 20th hour as long as you can all keep your heads:)